I did something today I haven’t done in 40+ years.


New member
I did something today I haven’t done in 40+ years. My 22 year old Son, 28 year old Son-in-law and myself loaded up five .22 bolt action rifles (iron sights only), 1000 rounds of bulk pack ammo, and about 20 tin cans and headed to an open pasture to do some shooting. We set the cans out at around 25 yards and started shooting. When they got rolled out to around 50 yards, we stopped and brought them back in closer. Before we knew it, four hours and around 600 rounds disappeared. While those two boxes of bulk pack .22LR cost me $70, it was well worth it. I feel like a kid again! I strongly urge everyone to do this once in a while! Have fun with your kids, regardless of their age, while you can, the day may come it’s not possible to do any longer.


New member
Oh, and I forgot to add. Two of those rifles used to belong to my Dad. The very same ones that I used to roll tin cans with when I was a teen ager. Both of those rifles are well over 60 years old.


New member
I took my wife on date night to the local indoor range. Shot her 38 and two of my 44 s.

It is just an awesome sport that reduces stress and draws people closer together.



New member
I took a friend plinking once,,,

Good for you my friend,,,
It's called rimfire therapy.

I took a friend plinking once,,,
It was in a field owned by a friend,,,
I set up a board against a creek bank,,,
Lined it with cans full of dirt and went to town.

I brought two lawn chairs and a small table,,,
The cooler was for some sandwiches and soft drinks.

My friend was amazed that I sat down,,,
Took a very relaxed attitude,,,
And started plinking.

Shooting doesn't have to be deadly serious,,,
We spent several happy hours plinking with two .rifles and pistols.

Except to go and reset the tin cans,,,
We hardly left our chairs.

Target practice and drills practice can be serious,,,
Plinking should be leisurely and relaxing.



we all shoot for our own reasons whether its accuracy, fun, competetion or whatever. But isnt it so nice to come back and do the basics why we all started out ? Just like you said, ITS JUST FUN ! And even better when you can share with others.
Way to go.....


New member
Is that where all the .22 LR went?

Rare as hen's teeth in my town.

One of my best days ever was plinking with my .22 Papoose at 100+ yards at ground squirrels with my buddy. It was lawn chairs and shooting the breeze between sightings of the little beggers. Spent the entire day and didn't bag one. Didn't bother either of us though.


New member
Nothing quite as fun as going through a brick of 22lr. I'm planning on doing that same thing later this month with my newly aquired marlin 39a lever action. However it will be a somber time as I aquired it from the passing of my father in law. I know he would be happy that I have it and knows i will cherish it until it is my time tompass it on to my children.


New member
That is awesome.

.22lr is the best value round even at 7 to 12 cents each.

At 16 cents...i am not so sure....


New member
Chasing tin cans

Hello all,
I haven't shot at tin or aluminum cans in I don't know how long but I can find empty shotgun hulls at my local range any weekend.

And Golf balls are cheep, so when I go out I take said items with some bolt action .22s and have some fun.

The fun I like to have is stack the balls on top of the empty hulls at whatever distance (from 15 to 40 yards) and either shoot the hull out from under the ball or the ball off of the hull.
When I shoot the ball off of the hull I try to shoot it again while it is still rolling. Now that is fun with a Bolt action rifle, and if you can do that in front of witnesses it's even more fun.

Happy shooting
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chris in va

New member
Ironically it's more feasible for me to shoot my 9mm carbine with cast bullet reloads than my 22lr lever action. I took a friends son out shooting the other day and I didn't feel guilty putting 300 9mm down range.


New member
Just curious what were the five bolt .22's?

A Marlin Model 25. A pair of Remington 514. A pair of Remington 511.

The 511's didn't see much shooting time being single shots. The repeaters got a workout. :)


New member
Wow. What a great time. Sounds like what I would consider a wonderful time with family.
I think next time I get out to the property I'll do the same. Only I am going to bring a big coffee can instead;)