I DID IT!!.... I finally got my Bersa to jam


New member
CDNN is selling Bersa Thunder 380 factory mag for around $27, but it was much faster and cheaper (and dumber it turns out :rolleyes:) to get the Pro-mag a local sporting goods store. I've got about 200-300 rounds threw this thing so far and never a burp. Well one time it took 2 whacks of the hammer to fire 1 round but I probubly didnt seat the primer far enough.
Today with the Pro-mag magazines no fewer than 6, and they were real show stoppers. Round going into the chamber in the vertical position. Not with my handloads either. These were S&B 92gr FMJs.
Moral of the story: Spend the extra $10 on the factorty mags. You'll be glad you did.
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New member
My Bersa's rejected S&B ammo on several occasions. I have read that the promags are not reliable in Bersas. I spent the extra money for factory mags for my Thunder Deluxe and Thunder CC. So far so good. No problems.


New member
200-300 rounds isnt even broken in yet for a semi-auto. Bersa's problems really seem to shine around 1000. I see more serious problems in your future than magazines.:rolleyes:


New member
200-300 rounds isnt even broken in yet for a semi-auto. Bersa's problems really seem to shine around 1000. I see more serious problems in your future than magazines.

How long did it take your's to start malfuntioning?


New member
Still trying to figure out how you got a 192 grain bullet into a Bersa 380??

Thanks for editing Red Eagle. Try the Remington 95 grain HPs they work great.

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New member
Red I don't personally own a Bersa... for the simple fact I have seen many issues with brand new ones and fairly used ones. People will cry and call me a gun snob, but working at a gun store, I see everything, even Perfection;) come back with issues. From what I have see of Bersa, their quality is hit or miss to begin with. The slide and trigger feel like sand paper. Some will run great from the box, others will need to be sent right back to the factory out of the box. People swear by them at times but really I just think most people buy them for price point and nothing more.... and don't shoot them as much as a defensive carry gun should be shot.

It is my personal belief that one should practice quite often with a gun you intend to use to protect your life. I am by no means made of money and I understand the cost of guns are high... but when trusting my life to something, I think of it like an insurance policy..... save up and spend the money and get good protection, not the one that was on sale and one of the cheapest in the case.

I hope yours still stays strong, despite the promag issues. It is just disheartening to see people buy them, and see them come back less than satisfied. Bases on my personal dealings with them.... Bersa has left a sour taste in my mouth, and I will not recommend them to customers.

michael t

New member
Well my Bersa has over a 1000 rounds and still going strong Had one member past 6000 with his 380 thunder . He did replace the recoil spring finely .

Seems the Military is South America like them in 9 40 and 45 as do the police . Reason the 40S&W been so scarce Bersa was filling a large military contract .
Is every one from factory perfect no. Then neither is any other brand. I help out part time in a gun store and have saw only a couple returned in the last 5 years. Bersa is a good pistol at a good price. The 9mm compact is a great pistol for the price.
They don't advertise Some people say their Junk Yet I know for fact the importer can't get enough to met the demand . .

Come visit http://bersachat.com


New member
I cant comment on the Promags really. I do notice when people trade them in its usually a Promag with it however. I don't know if thats due to the fact they want to get rid of the poor mag with the gun, or that they are very popular and a lot of users were running them.

I agree not every Bersa is bad out of the box, just my personal experience, it happens a lot more frequent with them then other brands. They do sell fast, I will give them that, but like I said, thats generally due to price point. I do not buy my guns based on Military or law enforcement trends either. They generally go for whoever will produce them and supply them cheapest. Crown Vic's and Impala's aren't the same as BMW's and Mercedes, even though they can perform the same task.

Glocks work, I am not a fan... but I have considerably less issues with them than most brands, not saying it doesn't happen.

Like I said your Bersa's might be great, my experience with them has been less than stellar unfortunately.

Just pulled a brand new one out of the box yesterday to put in the case... felt like there was sand inside the whole thing, took it in the back, stripped it, cleaned it, oiled it, only to have the gritty feeling improve slightly.:confused: Overall they just seem to be poorly finished, poorly fitted, and poor quality metal.

Literally had a customer try to field strip his, accidentally let go of the slide when trying to remove it, let it slam forward striking the barrel right above the notch cut out for the extractor... and gouged a generous chunk into the barrel mouth. Needless to say, that was his error, and Bersa did replace the barrel, thats one thing I can say, they do have pretty decent customer service.
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Bersa's problems really seem to shine around 1000.

I have three Bersa 9mms, all with over 1k rnds fired with no problems. 100% reliability. My Fullsize has over 5K downrange, 1k of that with no cleaning or lube and no problems. Also, my Bersas have probably the best triggers of all my DA/SA pistols.
Bersa's problems really seem to shine around 1000.

I have three Bersa 9mms, all with over 1k rnds fired with no problems. 100% reliability. My Fullsize has over 5K downrange, 1k of that with no cleaning or lube and no problems. Also, my Bersas have probably the best triggers of all my DA/SA pistols.


Moral of the story: Spend the extra $10 on the factorty mags. You'll be glad you did.

I bought Pro-Mags once. ONCE! Factory mags were on back-order. Never again, I'll wait next time.


New member
Over 2k rounds in my T9UC (EDC) without a hiccup.

Almost 600 through Thunder .380 (wife) not a burp.

Never purchased anything but the factory mags though.


New member
When I bought my Thunder 380 I bought 1 Promag and replaced the spring with a Wolff Makarov magazine spring with a few coils cut off and never had a single issue. At the time it was still cheaper that way than to buy a factory magazine. The stock magazine springs on most Promags are too weak.


New member
I have 2 Bersa pistols and I've never had a problem with either. Granted, I am using factory magazines, but they are just silly expensive. Try to find the occasional sale.


New member
I also gave up on Promags. I never had a malfunction with any Sig P225 ever. Promags changed all that. When I took them up on their lifetime warranty they sent me new mags that they said were tested for function and they worked 100%. Again, for me, they would not work properly and it seemed the springs were very weak. Malfunction after malfunction took place. I put in the factory mag and zero problems in hundreds of rounds. Put the Promag in again and instant issues. The mags dropped while firing and caused failures to feed. After months of going back and forth, when they decided to respond, I called and threw a fit. They had zero solutions for the problems. I sold them and won't be buying another Promag again.


New member
Bought a Bersa 40 UC about a month ago

I havent had a single failure of any kind

other than a rough finish..... this is a quality pistol


New member
My wife has had her Bersa for close to 8 years now. Never had an issue with it, and she's only used factory mags. Despite the cost, Bersa mags are actually very well made. I too avoid Pro-Mags.
