I did it again


New member
I was at the private gun club last night shooting my reloads and I saw it in the corner of the indoor range. I was by myself at 9:30pm and it called to me. I strolled over and looked inside. Sure enough, inside is what I wanted to find. Brass, that yellow gold of the shooter. I couldn't help myself, I sorted threw that bucket and took the ones I wanted. It's like an addiction. Every time I go I wonder if I will get my next "fix". ;) I'm sick, I know.

Smokey Joe

New member
Brass Rats Anonymous...

Hello, my name is Smokey Joe and I'm a Brass Rat. (Chorus: "Hi, Smokey Joe.")

My problem, if you wish to call it that, is that I have no desire to be cured at all. I have lots of nice brass for most of the cartridges for which I reload. I also collect all the brass I can grab--the unusual for a collector friend, and the magnums to resell @ a gun show--most of which ends up as scrap metal. The Chinese aren't buying copper on the world market, at the moment, so the price of brass is down somewhat, but rest assured, it will go up again. When it does I'm off to the scrap metal dealer once again, with all the brass, the car batteries, and the Al cans.

At my usual range, the AR shooters run through .223 like it was going out of style, and the target shooters bang away with surplus .308 and .30-'06. They save none of it, and unfortunately, are pretty poor at policing after themselves.

Being a Yankee and a Scot, this just sets my teeth on edge, and that's an itch I'd rather scratch than be cured of. Helps pay for the reloading/shooting.

Ohio Rusty

New member
You think your addicted ??? I pull over along the road just to pick up wheel weights I see laying there. If I stop at a stop light or a freeway exit ramp, I constantly scan the ground and berm looing for those precious lead chunks that cast into gleaming silver bullets. I found a real nice one today, big ...from a truck !! It will make 6 bullets all by itself !!

I'm sure the brass addiction will grab me also. I'm already having my nephew scavenge brass for me ......

Ohio Rusty ><>


New member
At one point, I had about six empty coffee cans full of different sizes & types of brass. I thought I was bad, but I think you guys have me beat.


New member
ohio, if you will hit up the walmart automotive dept and your local tire stores, they will usually give you all the used tire weights you can carry.