I can't help it, I hate gun-grabbers.


New member
...not the individuals...unless they are particularly vocal.

But, gun-grabbers in general.

I can't help it but my hate for that group grows more every day.


New member
Tell us how you really feel! :)

When arguing with them, try and remember to think with your brain and not your emotion. Otherwise you look no better than they do.

You might not ever convince the real hardliners, but you can sure convince the fence sitters that they've brainwashed. Especially when you made all their facts look like like the emotional lies that they are.


New member
I have played that way with them before and all it does is humor them. They find it funny that people don't swallow the same garbage that they do.

You are right...it's 90% emotion with them.

Logic and truth doesn't phase them.

They want emotion...they have it from me.

Bear Flare

New member

It takes real effort and energy to hate. Hatred is consuming, occupying your entire existance. You'd be exercising a lot of valuable effort toward a lot of people for that hate.

Laugh at them, debate them, OUT-THINK them; it is really easy to do. To me, listening to them banter on about their flawed logic is amusing as all Heck. Anyone on this board should be able to make the average anti-gunner's head explode without even breaking a sweat. Use your head, man! :p

Bear Flare

Jim March

New member
But y'know what's cool? When they hate you. *Personally*. When you can walk into a room, and you can see their eyes fixate on ya 'cuz they KNOW you're bad news - for them.

Oh ya. It rocks :).


New member
I've quit arguing with them. I just tell them I refuse to allow their personal cowardice and paranoia direct MY life and walk away.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Don't fall for the usage and definitions in our everyday language that the left has helped make common. For example, the word hate is waaaay over used today. Think about it.


New member
I pity them more than I hate them. Ignorance on that level has to be painful. And when the day of their epiphany arrives, when they realize they have been dead wrong all along, it has to be a crushing blow.


New member
But y'know what's cool? When they hate you. *Personally*. When you can walk into a room, and you can see their eyes fixate on ya 'cuz they KNOW you're bad news - for them.

OMG! I have to echo this. Not from a gun standpoint, but from other....hmm...experiences.

It is such a satisfying feeling. :)

Malone LaVeigh

New member
Hate does more damage to you than it does to your opponent. It keeps you from thinking straight.It causes you to react in knee-jerk responses that aren't effective. It makes you look like a unreasonable person and thus undercuts your cause.

It also raises your blood pressure and causes your body to produce nasty chemicals that will eventually shorten your life.

I once heard Dick Gregory talk about hate. He likened it to walking around with a big, leaky bag of doo-doo. Before you ever get to throw any at your enemies, you are going to spend a lot more time with it yourself, and get it all over yourself in the process.


New member
I can understand your hatred. And as a new yorker, at the risk of sounding cruel, I wish the terrorists knocked out the power in addition to the attacks on september 11th. Hey, I want to see them all crawl, what can I say.

See them all running with tears in their eyes to the local gunshops (if you can find one in manhattan) by day, seeking to buy a gun because the death toll due to crime has surpassed that of ground zero and the police and national guard cant protect them. Yes, I wanted to see them eat their words and actions in the worst way.

And when they come out of the gunshop looking terrified because there is a six month waiting period for a firearm purchase and a $350 fee, I will be standing on the corner laughing my ass off and shouting ... YOU DEMANDED THIS! YOU BROUGHT THIS ABOUT! AND NOW YOUR ONLY HOPE IS TO ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK. ASSWIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
It's pretty hard not to feel that way sometimes. After you've been kicked in the head for years, it's hard to want to polish the boots of your assailant.