I can do Mozambiques too.......


New member
......just not nearly as fast as Lurper!

During my weekly trip to the range this afternoon I thought I'd see if I could manage to score hits doing Mozambiques with my P89. Here is the raw target showing the hits. 7 yds. Three mozambiques with a single shot center mass at the end (10 round mag).

Mozambique raw.JPG

Here is the target with colored dots showing the shots in sequence. The first 3 shot string is red, the second is blue, the third is yellow. Last single shot is green. (edited in MS Paint).

Mozambique with colored hits.JPG

I don't have a timer but I would estimate 3 seconds or so for each string. I did two quick, aimed head with a slight pause. The range I shoot doesn't allow draw and fire so these were done from low ready, safety on, double action first shot. Now if I can do this with a stock P89 in that time with me being neither military, LEO, or competitive shooter, I fully believe that Lurper can do what he says he can do with his competition rig. Putting aside the fact that he's proven so with video evidence.
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New member
Oh I post them all the time. I've got a running thread on my P90 range reports. Didn't take it with me this afternoon. Wanted some trigger time with the 89 and the 90 just calls to me when it's available. The 89 was feeling neglected.


New member
More target pics from this evening......

My "warmup" target......shots at 7, 10, 15 and 25 yds. Some aimed some doubles and triples. I generally use one target for about 4-5 mags at the start to get in the groove.

Warmup 2.JPG

Other aimed groups........all shot at 7 yds

10 shots

7 yds 10 rounds 2.JPG

10 more

7 yds 10 rounds.JPG

20 shots

7 yds 20 rounds.JPG