I call it a win


New member
Quick story.

My girlfriend was out of town on business. She ended up in a conversation with a guy who loves to shoot and is asgainst gun control. During the conversation he mentioned that he thought hunting was wrong and he would never do it. My thoughts as I hear this are....aren't we all on the same team here with the gun control? I don't shoot (outside of hunting) nearly as much as most people on this forum do. My girlfriend replied with...(basically)....what is the big deal, as long as hunters are following the laws and eat what they kill. Now my girlfriend has no interest in guns. I have several and she has no interest in going to the range. Before we started dating she didn't understand the whole hunting thing either. I am darn proud that she stood up for something and from what she has learned from me was able to change this guys mind about hunting. Now I just need some more time and I am sure I will get her to the range.

Hunters, target shooters, both, we are all on the same team when it comes to our rights.


New member
with a guy who loves to shoot and is asgainst gun control. During the conversation he mentioned that he thought hunting was wrong and he would never do it. My thoughts as I hear this are....aren't we all on the same team here with the gun control?

eh...I'm confused. You said the guy's against gun control. You're suggesting his feelings about hunting suggest otherwise? You may be reading way too much into it. Could be a lot of reasons he doesn't hunt, none of which have to do with gun rights. As a gun owner, he's not obligated to hunt, after all (and said nothing about others). Matter of fact, outside of being safe and obeying the law, he's not obligated to do anything, IMO.


New member
I never said he had to do anything. He was just talking about how everyone should be able to own guns and the government should not be trying to take that right away from us. I beleive that my girlfriend was just making small talk with him as he is from another company that is on the commitee. She may have mentioned that I hunted. He then went on about how he didn't agree with it. Maybe I was confusing in my post. I guess I could have made the story a lot longer with a bunch of details about what he had to say about hunting and why he "Would never do it", but it wasn't relative to the story. The win is that my girlfriend who has no interest in guns and tends to hang out on the liberal side of the fence was giving this guy information about hunting that made him change his outlook. I would like to get my girlfriend out to the range one of these days. It isn't going to be easy but seems like I have a good start.


New member
Still never said anything about anyone having to hunt just because they own guns. Never said there was anything wrong with it.

The point of the story was that.....When I first started dating my girlfriend she wouldn't even go near my nightstand as that is where my pistol is at night. She wanted nothing to do with it. Now a year later she has no problem talking on a subject that she has no interest in. She doesn't want to hunt or shoot, but she asked enough questions from me so that she could understand and know something about both.


New member
Some people don't like hunting. They have various reasons for their beliefs. If they can make a good argument I like talking with them. If they can't I'd just as soon pass.

Hunters as a percent of gun owners is getting to be very small. Less than 20% iirc. It shouldn't be surprising that amongst the remaining 80% are folks that think hunting is a bad thing.

Yankee Traveler

New member
Deerhunter, I am glad that you have converted your somewhat liberal girlfriend towards "our" outlook of guns and gun control.
Regardless of our individual outlook on hunting...Even PETA members deserve to legally own firearms!!!


Deerhunter, I am glad that you have converted your somewhat liberal girlfriend towards "our" outlook of guns and gun control.
Regardless of our individual outlook on hunting...Even PETA members deserve to legally own firearms!!!

@Yankee Traveler: That's a very subtle way of putting it. ;)


New member
sorry,,, but,, PETA mentioned on this site???
oh,, my,,,,,,thought i entered the wrong site,LOL.sorry if there is peta fans, out there, but,,, i for one feel they need to be put in their place,, they go way overboard when they get on a tangent,,
im glad the GF took a stand bout hunting,, i love to shoot and an avid hunter weather a gun, or bow,. it doesnt bother me if others like to hunt or not, however, when i seem to get to chattin with them their opinion has been formed by mostly false information, hunters are somewhat considered a rapist, or murderers of bambi's family,, or a shootem and let them lay killer,,
an ethical hunter is none of the above,
its all about education,,, not of the anti hunters or the anti gun folk,,,
ite all about OUR education as HUNTERS and GUN OWNERS/SHOOTERS,
WAY,,WAY!, to often we hear or see on the news about a poacher,,, or someone getting shot cause another hunter saw movement,, or,,, that someone with a gun was in traffic, got cut off, got mad, and opened fire on traffic around him,,,,
i say it again,, its all about education of ourselves,,
why do we like to shoot?? why do we like to hunt?? how responsable can we be???
WHEW!!! im out of breath! LOL