

New member
I am interested in getting into ICORE.
However, all e-mails sent to anyone connected to the organization, including the membership director have gone answered for at least two weeks!! :eek:

Does anybody know if the organization is still extant??
If you are a member or director, please send me an e-mail so I can give you my mailing address to send me information on how to go about becoming a member???!!! :confused:

Thanks for any replies!!


Moderator Emeritus
It did seem to fill a niche. IPSC's bizzarre "six-shots-only" rule and the byzantine guidelines surrounding SSR and "ESR" in IDPA in these days of common-as-dirt seven- and eight-shooters pretty much guarantees the existance of a seperate sanctioning body. If ICORE didn't exist, we would have to create it.


New member
Yeah but...

Is there anybody home to take my call??? :confused:
They have this marvelous web site full of contacts!!!
So far, no one has seen fit to acknowledge my existance!!!! ;)
Hell of a way to run your organization, if you ask me!! :eek:


Guy B. Meredith

New member
[Edit: I just noticed you are in AZ. Some of the biggest supporters are in AZ. Check the site for the local club. The guy that keeps Jerry Miculek honest and perennial #2 in Open Master division, Vic Picket, is with that group.]

Keep trying. They are probably in the middle of organizing the June International Revolver Championship (IRC) match in Morro Bay/San Louis Obispo and have day jobs as well.

They do run on a shoestring with overworked volunteers. I was one of the volunteers but have gone on haitus due to finances and being a new owner of an older home (the two are intimately related).

There is a membership form on the ICORE.org site you can send in. If you are interested in the IRC (usually lavishly sponsored by S&W, Dillon and many others) send in the membership and registration for the lower entry fee. Or you can just do the match. Membership is required to take a gun from the prize table (typically about 25+, I picked up a 686+ that I traded for an M66 from another entrant last time I was there) or to enter one of the drawings (I picked up a PC 627 V-comp for $20 worth of tickets when I was just visiting).

By the way, volunteer range officials for the match get some pretty nice treatment in addition to the jazzy shirts. Being a range officer for the match gives you an up front view of all the heavy hitters AND a chance to play. I bet there'd be a list a mile long for such jobs in other sports.
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New member
Thanks Guy.

I had e-mailed Vic and got no response.

I live about 50mi from where they meet and did not want to burn the gas unless I had some concrete information under my belt and web sites are offtimes not updated.