I bumped my head


New member
OK, I did it I bought a (cough, cough, gag ) glock 17. I got a good deal on it. with 4 mags and a paddle holster. It has had the guide rod replaced with a steel one ( got the factory one with it).
It will not ever be as nice on the eyes as my commander or any of my 7 other 1911s.
but I dont want to be a hater with out ever giving one a chance. and when I find I still dont like it I'll use it to prop up a night stand.


New member
Welcome to the dark side;) You're gonna love it over here.

Congrats on your purchase. Did you get the 4th gen?


New member
I also tried Glock more or less on a whim and to see what all the fuss was about. Now, the G32 is the EDC, but the SW1911Sc gets lots of holster time, too.

Glocks are highly functional and well built.

Enjoy and safe shooting.


New member
Now youv'e done it, don't be supprised if the ghosts of Smith, Wesson and John Browning pay you a visit this Christmas and haunt you.

We tried to warn you.



New member
If you're gonna go polymer then get an XD. It feels somewhat like an arched MSH 1911 with the grip safety. Every bit as good as a Glock but
won't require you to leave one cult to join another.


New member
Not to mention that Springfield Armory offers some of the best 1911s. One way or another (in my case both) they will get/deserve your
money. Buy an XD-9 and a Mil Spec 45 then wait for the zombies.


New member
I agree that springers are great, I have a v16 longslide that is a tack driver but a 6" barrel is not easily carried, LOL.


New member
well you know it's kind of like some dogs...

" That puppy is so ugly you just have to love it!"

I'm not a Glock fan but can't work myself up to be a hater either. Congratulations... every one of us can always use one more gun.


New member
My Glocks reside comfortably next to my SA 1911, S&W K-frame, and BHPs.

Besides their reliability and durability, you'll appreciate them more when its cleaning time and you see how simple and quick they are to clean and lube. Or the next time you are carrying in a downpour, or profuse sweating in heat and humidity, in the woods and there is not a speck of rust at the end of the day.


New member
I tried a Glock 36 and fell in love. Just a handful of cold, heartless, .45 that disappears on my belt.

I wish I could personalize my Glock like I could a 1911 or some other design. However, they really shine as faceless workhorses. I find the G17 to probably the be ugliest one of their line up, but you're going to be hard pressed to find a more reliable 9mm.

And I too appreciate the near total lack of maintenance. If I'm taking the jeep out with the top off, the Glock goes with me. If I get caught in the rain, so what. :D


New member
I wasn't even aware there was Glock hate until I started posting here. I am a Beretta guy, some of the most gorgeous guns made IMHO, but I never minded the looks of my brother's G22. Very businesslike. And I certainly don't mind how they shoot


New member
My Glock is fugly but it always works. There is something beautiful about something that always works. I just hide it in the safe when not in use...:D


New member
I'm still chuckling about Jim's comment about the ghosts of John Browning and S&W knocking on your door at Xmas time .... ( you won't like that ...) ...

" I can't buy a Glock ....my parents were married " ....:D


New member
Congrats, enjoy! Brace yourselves......I really do like the way my G19 looks :) (now shielding face from the comments to follow) What gen did ya get?? pics? (okay maybe not pics, other people may not like it ;))


New member

You made an excellent choice. The well deserved reputation of the G17 is what orginally put Glock on the map. I personally think it's still the best Glock made.

I have owned just about every brand out there at least once. All I can say is my 1st Gen G17 is stoked with HP's and my wife know's where it's at. All she has to do is grab it and pull the trigger. I can't think of any better testimonial to what I percieve as a reliable, bet your families life on it pistol.