I bought a pistol today.


New member
I bought a Cimarron Thunderer, 3.5" barrel with birdshead grip, single action for $375.00 NIB. Retails for $499.00.

I just had to come tell someone, and figured you guys would understand.

Now I am going shooting tomorrow....



New member
Of course we understand. That's a pretty good deal for a nice gun. Have fun shooting it and give us a report. I'd love to know how you like it.



New member
I have one of these from way back and it is a good sixgun

Mine is sort of an oddball as it is a 357MAG but it shoots great and dead on the sights once I trimmed 'em a might.
If memory serves I put about 7,000 rounds through that sixgun before something else came along I went queer for and the THUNDERER disappeared into the catacombs of my safes never to be seen till this very day.
Shucks...I hadn't thought of this delightful sixgun in ages. Maybe I'll go dig it out and give it some much needed exercise.
Enjoy your new sixgun.


New member
After inspection of the pistol, we(my gunsmith friend and I) determined this pistol was NIB.....Now, its had 50 rds fired through it and I love it. I had alot of worries over a 3.5"bbl, but those concerns we gone after the 3rd round. Its great!
Now I want another....



New member
I have a nice birdshead 45 caliber SAA

style revolver. The birdshead grip handles the recoli of the big 45 nicely(factory loads only no +ps for this gun) Mine is an american arms and has a slightly different designed grip than the thunderer. Its a sweet shooting gun. I used it in many a SASS match befour I switched calibers (to 38's)