I am so proud of my wife!


New member
My wife works as a home health nurse. She provides routine medical care for people who are unable to leave their home on their own. One of her co-workers complained to their supervisor today. She said she didn't want to see the patient anymore because she felt uncomfortable in the patient's home and didn't want to see him anymore.

Why did she feel uncomfortable? Because the patient had two firearms visible in his home. He had a handgun of some type and an "AK-47 appearing" rifle. When the supervisor heard this she simply responded by saying "We'll discharge him." That means they will refuse to provide medical care for this patient. The patient would then have to find another home health agency.

At this point my wife spoke up. She said "You know, he has the right to bear arms and to defend himself. I'll see him." When one of her co-workers said something like "It's scary if he has guns and keeps two of them beside his bed." My wife asked her "Are you scared of me? There's at least 5 guns near our bed at night." My wife continued to defend both her rights and the rights of her patient for the rest of the conversation.

To make matters worse it turns out the patient is a Vietnam Veteran and told the co-worker that he keeps the firearms because he has had a problem with people who live in the same apartment complex trying to break into his home.

I'm very happy my wife was there to defend the patient's rights, but I find it very unfortunate that some people would refuse to help someone simply because he has guns in his home. The good news is that the man will continue to have medical care, and now from a very good nurse ;)


New member
Great post.
Good for your wife.
However, I would not fault anyone who was concerned as it is also their right.


New member
However, I would not fault anyone who was concerned as it is also their right.

I agree with that. I just think it's silly that they immediately wanted to discharge him instead of either finding a gun totin' nurse like my wife to see him. And if they didn't have such a nurse they could have called him and asked him to keep his guns out of sight while the nurse was there.


Staff In Memoriam
Buy your wife a beer or glass of wine or a dang candy bar and tell her "Hogdogs said props gal... THANKS!!!":D


New member
Thanks to your spouse for supporting this man's rights and hopefully the conversation made your spouse's co-worker rethink why she was afraid of a man simply because he owned guns.


New member
Wow. That's really cool.

Big thumbs up for your wife. I love the "Are you scared of me?" part.

She sounds like a keeper :D. I'm so glad I have a wife who feels the same way. Definitely an awesome relationship perk.

I just don't see why it is so hard for people to understand that gun owners are typically some the most rational and nonviolent people in this country. When did it become wrong and immoral to be prepared to protect yourself and loved ones in the event of a home invasion or otherwise? It's sad.


I'm very happy my wife was there to defend the patient's rights, but I find it very unfortunate that some people would refuse to help someone simply because he has guns in his home.

good for your wife, but those that refuse to help because they are uncomfortable are also defending THEIR rights.


New member
My wife is a CNA. Its my observation that some nurses just do it as a job. The good ones are the ones who do it as a calling and genuinely care for their patients. scorpion_tyr's wife is one of the good ones.


but I find it very unfortunate that some people would refuse to help someone simply because he has guns in his home.

You're now seeing the product of 40 years of liberal control of schools. This has been beaten to death in schools (WAS a teacher for a while and saw this first hand)....People fear what they do not know, and they have been told for decades that guns are evil, so it is no surprise that these folks feel that way.

KUDOS to your wife for showing mature rationale