I am so enjoying these...


New member
these are such a nice departure from my beloved Colts. I dont have to worry too much about them getting skinned up and they look so cool to me. I just love this whole black powder part of my shooting regime. Still only have 3, but I have a line on a 1980 Uberti G&G I may buy. Anyway, I was bored today so I thought I would post some pictures. Thank you or looking.





New member
You got it sir!!! The ASM was 120.00 so I couldn't pass it up. I just loved the way it felt. It has been a little problematic but nothing I couldn't fix. The Uberti's, however, have been flawless. You guys have ruined me:D


New member
I have a pair of the ASM 44 Navies and they are my favorite CAS match guns for important shoots/matches. They have the handling of a Colt Navy with the knockdown of the 44s. My other pair of serious match guns are Uberti Millenium Remingtons but with the 8" barrels. If I had it to do all over again I'd still get the 44 navies but I'd get a pair of the short barreled Remmies in 44 too in stainless. I has a fellow time my Navies and harden the triggers. I have replaced the hand springs in them both at least once each. Bobby pins make a great replacement spring. Email me when it happens and I'll tell you how it's done so you don't discard the original hand.


New member
Thank you all for the nice words gentlemen. Its funny because not to long ago I would have passed right by these on the gun show tables in my feverish hunt for old double action Colts. I've always liked the 1873 Peacemaker and have 2, but I NEVER would have noticed these. Its funny how your taste change a little as you get older. In fact, the last 6 range trips, all I have taken out are my black powder pistols:D Weird stuff. But Im loving it. I've gotten 3 more since this picture was taken.........and looking for an 61 navy now. Just crazy:D Kevin


New member
Nickled or Stainless?

Either way, I love the looks od the shiney Remmie!
The 5 1/2" is the best barrel length for all aqround handling and carry! I trally like my 5 1/2" Piettia Sheriffes Model! A buddy let me borrow his Conversin cylinder and gave me a handfull of Scofill rounds to sampleonversion shooting. Man the .45 Scoffield is right on at 25 yards! I think the bullet weight was 200 grains I shot some 200 gr Conicals touched off by 35 gr of Pyrodex. A very stout load that raps the knuckles often!
Yep Black Powder is the thing to shoot for pure enjoyment! You tend to handle the revolvers more than with just plain Cartriges, that really allows a close personal contact with the revolver!
B/P is my favorite propellant to shoot.