I am purchasing 2 humpbacks M38/M638

Sir William

New member
I am working on my J framed S&W 38 Special collection. I missed out on a M36 PD trade-ins at a local shop. They sold the last dozen on Christmas Eve. While my friends and I were looking through the S&W display, I spotted a M638 humpback Bodyguard 2" 38 Special. I asked to see it. Nice revolver. One of my friends was giving a 642 the once over. There was a nice Lady Smith 38 Special as well. I decided to purchase the M638 but, so did my friend! I called Coal Creek Armory. www.coalcreekarmory.com Crisis averted, they had a M638 and a M38 in blue. I am getting both. I think I will be happy. This is also a first purchase for me of a S&W equipped with a lock. No lightning has struck me yet. My head hasn't turned around backwards either. Mount Saint Helens spewed a bit though, should I worry!?! LOL


New member
"Mr. Scott, we've gotta find some humpbacks!"

"Humpbacked... people?"

"Whales, Mr. Scott, whales. About 45, 50 feet long. About 40 tons each...!"

I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, even though I don't know much about how to address your question.


New member
Sir William,

Yes, you SHOULD worry. Worry that once you find out how nice the shrouded and hammerless J-Frames are they'll seem to multiply in the safe!

I bought a Bodyguard 649 a little over a year ago. Now there are FOUR j-frames in the safe. :confused: A pair of .38/.357's and a pair of .32's!