I am in love w/ my Lee Classic Turret!


New member
I finally set it up today, and loaded my first 100 rounds using it. I must say, this thing works every bit as well as all the videos I watched before purchasing it. I used the Lee Safety Prime on it, and it worked like a charm, save for the last primer, it wouldn't go in. I only encountered 3 minor problems on this first batch and they were: 1 primer would NOT seat fully, it looked as if the primer ram thingie would push the case up higher into the shell holder than normally. I did not measure the rim thickness, I just used my Hornady handheld primer tool to fully seat this one case. Also, I had 2 rounds that, during the factory crimp die stage, the bullet nose caught the rim of the die, or something to that effect, and it seated the bullet much deeper than normal. Easy fix, I just gave them 2 whacks w/ the inertial bullet puller, then re-ran them through the bullet seater die and FC die, voila! DONE. I am totally impressed w/ this whole system!

ONE word of warning though. I found one Lee product that stinks, and that is the base plate system, with the wood precut blocks that insert onto the plate. The screws would NOT stay tightened, and 3 times during loading, the press would start to slide out of the holder. I'd have to use my off hand to keep it in position to finish loading the round, and then I'd re-tighten the screws. No big deal, but the thing doesn't necessarily work as-advertised.

All in all, I must say I wholeheartedly recommend this press to ANYONE who is looking to upgrade from a single-stage. It's easy to use, and the Lee Pro Auto Disk throws accurate charges, and the Lee Safety Prime works like a charm!

EDIT: round description - .45ACP - 200gr. Oregon Trail Laser Cast SWC - 3.9gr Hodgdon Clays - 1.230" C.O.L.


New member
Congrats, and enjoy it. I had one for a little over a year, and it worked great! I pumped out a LOT of 9 and 45acp with it. I upgraded to a LNL, and it's been fantastic!!


New member
Getting ready to put together the loading bench tomorrow and set up my Lee Deluxe. Really looking forward to it!

Seven High

New member
I appreciate the information about the base plate system. I was going to order one. I think that I will pass on it now.


New member
Seven High: I think my problem might be that I have a lousy desk/table to work on. The top is somewhat loose, and on the upstrokes, it lifts a bit, which in turn means the base plate is not immovable, as I suspect it's supposed to be, like on a sturdy table/desk/whatever. For the price of just $20, I would at least give it a try. I'm hoping to have a proper workbench/workspace sometime in the spring, but until then, I just have to go w/ it. Good luck to you!


New member
Here's a tip for the base plate problem. I can't take credit for it because I read it somewhere, but I did it and it works. Mount the base plate, wooden block and press tight and secure. Near the back side of the wooden block, a little off to the side of the press, drill a hole big enough for a Phillips screw driver to fit all the way through the wooden block, the metal base plate and the bench. Drop the screwdriver in the hole and you have an "emergency" catch that will stop a loose press from falling out of the mount. It also keeps the screwdriver handy to tighten or test the clamp screws before and/or during each loading session, but still out of the way.


New member
Hummmmmmmmm...........I installed the lee base plate, and it seems to work quite well. I even cut up some good plywood for more mounts. Using them on my lee challenger, C frame, turret, and Loadmaster. Also on Rockchucker and even lyman 450 sizer. My MEC's are next.

Seven High

New member
Thanks for the updated information. Maybe I will try the base plate after all. I have a Lee Cast Turret press as well. I like it very much!

Lost Sheep

New member
But where?

4570 ruger#1 said:
lee classic turret press
I've been wanting to buy one,these posts helped me make up my mind,will order one soon.
Now that the decision is made, where will you do your buying?

Kemp's Gun Shop is a good place. They have a kit that includes a set of deluxe dies. If you can, deal with Sue Kempf. She did right by me, but one of her co-workers (who did not have the courtesy to identify himself) insulted me and sent me to:

Factory Sales. Greg and Mark did well by me, but did not know that the Pro Auto-Disk did not work with the Classic Turret and changed my order unbeknownst. Be very clear on what you want.

Graf's, Midway, Cabela's, I have never used.

I am not certain if you can buy directly from Lee Precision. I have heard that they have a flat rate shipping, too.

Good shopping.


Lost Sheep


New member
Yep, I'm about ready to spring for one, too. Been using the Challenger Breech Lock, which is fine for my target rifle loads, but for handgun rounds I need to move up. :)
I've been reloading on one for... over 2 years now, I think, and I think it's just a fantastic piece of kit. It's the press that Lee should have introduced 25 years ago.

The only thing I really dislike about it is the ball on the handle. I have to wear a golf or batter's glove or I get blisters on my hand during a protracted loading session.


New member
I bought mine at Cabelas, because I got gift cards to said store for Christmas. I bought the Pro Auto Disk there, too, same story. I bought the Lee Safety Prime and the Bench Plate through factorysales.com, very cheap!
This isn't the first I've heard of issues with the bench plate. It's making me rethink my intent to get one when I get my new bench built after I reconfigure my basement.

I may simply go with the press bolted to a couple of thicknesses of stiff board, and then bolting that to the bench. That would allow me to switch out among my presses without too much hassle and have a secure setup.


New member
The only thing I really dislike about it is the ball on the handle. I have to wear a golf or batter's glove or I get blisters on my hand during a protracted loading session.

Mike the wooden ball comes off real easy. Drill one of these out and epoxy it on to the handle, you won't believe the difference.
