I am developing a comprehensive list of bullet makers


New member
I've used a lot of Proofmark bullets and have been happy with them. I'm not sure what your intended use for your list will be, but it's worth noting that Proofmark is generally only available through dealers, so it's not going to help anyone that wants to mail-order.




New member
I'm trying to build a list so I can comparison shop for my .45ACP and eventually, .40S&W bullet needs. The prices from shop to shop are all over the map!


New member
I'm trying to build a list so I can comparison shop for my .45ACP and eventually, .40S&W bullet needs. The prices from shop to shop are all over the map!

I just did the exact same thing last night. I currenlty use Rainiers and Berry's, and wanting to try lead (lots cheaper) as I mostly plink/practice. I looked up the prices at several sites, many of which have already been listed here. For lead bullets, Missouri Bullet Co came out on top, seemed to have the best prices for lead bullets and consistenly good feedback.


New member
I want to thank everyone for contributing. I hope that, in the future, should someone want to find a list of bullet makers, they'll find this thread in a search. 'TIS FOR THE CHILDREN!!


New member
Maybe there could be a STICKY with a bullet casters catalog of links :)
Heck maybe they would pay to be on top :D