I am a lucky man


New member
My lovely wife presented me with my 30th birthday gift tonight. A tad early, but she says she couldn't wait. Looks like I'll be taking a long lunch at the range tomorrow.




New member
If she has any sisters, let me... oh hell, I'm married. Never mind. Lucky bastard! :D

I wish I got something that special on my 30th.


New member
You are lucky to have such a wife!

My wife ALLOWED me to buy MYSELF a 1911 for my 30th birthday, and that was only after a lot of begging. :eek:


New member
I have to be fair, my wife cut me a lot of slack too.

I came one one day when a buddy of mine told me he was selling one of his consecutive serial numbers Springfield FBI model (Professional Model) 1911's. I told her the price and said I really-really wanted this pistol as it's one of those things a guy can't live without (serial number 49x!!! and never fired)


She didn't bat an eye. She just said that's fine, I know you really want one.

I about passed out... but instead I called my buddy and said "I'll take it".


New member
Now that she has recognized your 30th, remember that she never actually turns thirty; just 29, and then 29, and then ... (Otherwise it might be a Red Ryder BB gun next time!)



New member
Jeez Vance, when I turned 30 all my wife did is send a stripper to my office at lunch time. Very difficult at arrange though as I was in the military at the time. She and my boss (a Major) spent weeks planning this coup.

Yeah I was totally dumbfounded. I think I like your present better...


New member
Congrats on a great gun AND a great gal! Happy Birthday too! I can't really complain about mine either. I've got a few nice guns and she hasn't used any of them on me for buying them! :eek::p:D