I am a liberal on guns.


New member
I have to confess that I am really a Liberal on guns.
I think you can own whatever you want, in any quantity you want, in whatever style you want, and the only thing that should stand between you
and the gun of your choice is your budget. If you want to own an 8" howitzer
or naval gun, that's all right by me. (How would you find ammunition for it? Or
load it? And where would you shoot it?)
I am a steel and walnut man myself, but it you simply have to have the latest plastic/polymer/aluminum/scandium/whatever in the latest "in" cartridge
go right ahead,ou can send all your steel and walnut treasures to me, I'll give
them a good home.


New member

Why yes i believe in the liberal use of ammunition and fun targets such as bottles, cans, AOL CDs and other things that explode upon impact.


New member

Sure, we can be as "liberal" in your definition.
Shoot whatever, when, and however you want!

The limit is that it should not inpinge on others, their rights and safety.


New member
AOL CDs and other things that explode upon impact.

Yes, I once took a AOL CD that I shot with a .22 to work with me to use as a beverage coaster. Rather freaked out a few people there. My shooting buddy was cool with it, but some got scared of me. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all. :D I've since retired.


New member
Skeeter1, they were scared of you because you dared bring in the vestigial stench of an AOL CD into the office :)


New member
There are plenty of liberal progunners, myself included. Something I find sadly gets ignored. Plenty of conservative antigunners too. The one that comes to mind of the top of my head would be Ronald Reagon. It gets really annoying that you have to be one or the other and that effects all your lifeviews is rather irritating and the quicker it dies the better.


New member
I have to confess that I am really a Liberal on guns.
I think you can own whatever you want, in any quantity you want, in whatever style you want, and the only thing that should stand between you
and the gun of your choice is your budget.

This is not a "liberal" view of guns, politically speaking. Liberals are very anti-gun. A conservative "Libertarian" [not to be confused with "liberal'] view is that government controll on guns [and everything else] should be limited.

I'm not a Libertarian, but I sympathise with them on many points. I'm actually part of the Constitution Party. It's very similar, but they place an empasis on things important to conservitive Christians.