I am a bit on edge and frustrated

Nathan c

New member
right now I carry a CZ 97BD .45 acp or a 75BD 9mm or a D compact 9mm or Remmy 9mm and a Ruger lcr .38 special for back up and a lever gun in the truck 30-30 and or .44 mag I have 3 mags each for the .45 and 9mm and 2 speed loders of .38 special and a box of 30-30 and.44 mag in the truck.

What I am thinking af doing is adding more fire power. I am probably going to add something can carry in a back pack. Maby a P90 a tavor or a AUG posbly a AR or AK sbr. I don't know yet still doing some research.

I will also get more traning.

But what are the chances that all I would be doing was humping around a 2000$ gun that I think is absolutely ugly (not a Fudd just like a nice wood stock lol ) on top of that could not really do any thing else with like deer hunting would be out can't hunt with .22 cal. Am I worried about a isis atack where I live no not really too small of a town but.... there are 2 unaverstys in town and I like to go to a coffee shop that student go to a lot so that's got me thinking a bit..... you know if something happened that 2000$ would be worth every penny UGGGGGGG what to do what to do.......

Nathan c

New member
Yea that's on the list lol but from what I have read 300 blk out is only good if you are going to use a supresser and subsonic rounds.

Nathan c

New member
I really haven't paid much attention to sbr or pdw or bullpup or ar/Ak hand guns never really thought I had would ever have much need or use for them till recently.


New member
The word is that 300blk is viable even if you are not going to supress it. Plus it's a legal caliber to hunt with. You'd be able to fit an AR pistol in a backpack easily.

I have one in 5.56 you can shoot it almost as easily as a rifle.

I went on a vacation for two weeks in the washington cascades and was able to pack it around.

Nathan c

New member
My mind keeps saying ar/Ak pistols would be less accurate but I have to change my mind set I not soothing 1000 yards I am shooting from here to the door lol


New member
I can hit a softball sized target at near 100 with mine. I just put it together for fun, but after shooting it I changed my opinions of them.

Nathan c

New member
The other ??? Would I need a gun like I said above it almost seems stupid that I would carry a full combat lode just to get a cup of coffee lol

But I am of the opinion that we are at war no matter what the president and the news seas . Just one that, doesn't have tanks, and jet fighters flying around. It is a war on US soil one small ambush at a time is all.


New member

I saw that you mention getting some training. I'd suggest you hold off on your next purchase until you have taken that training (and that you get that training from an excellent source if at all possible).

Why? Two reasons:

1) There's a strong possibility that your trip through class will change your ideas about what you want and why you want it,

and therefore,

2) Doing things in that order will likely save you a bit of money in the long run.



New member
Dude. Get an AR. You can build one to your tastes for less than $600. Buy it, build it, train with it, stock up on ammo and magazines, and keep it in the safe for a rainy day. We live in troubling times.

Nathan c

New member
I have had some formal training, at tax payers experience at places like Ft Benning lol :) I like to say that was enough to get my butt kicked and I have had more sense then.

I just believe one never can have enough traning no matter how good you think you are.

So a grate deal of my training is eather marksmanship or Iven is over there with his AK and your over here with your M16 and you 2 are trying to kill each other.

WItch I feel leaves a big hole. Like Aucmed or the guy that has taken too menny med or has not taken any to day trying to shoot me when I am trying to relax and drink coffee.


New member
I've thought about carrying a rifle around with me in my state. Oddly enough, rifles and shotguns are specifically listed as firearms that are NOT illegal to carry concealed unless used in a crime, with no permit requirement.

The trouble is that rifles are, well, rifles. They're big and bulky. They're heavy. Deploying them takes a lot of time. They have a lot of penetration. They're loud. Anything worth being able to conceal means going the NFA route - I thought about a subgun with a folding stock that would fit in a laptop bag, but that's a whole mess in and of itself.

All of this is to say that I'm not sure there's any real benefit to you carrying a rifle or even an AR/AK pistol. The chances of you dying in an ISIS attack on American soil are ridiculously small. The chance of you being involved in one would start with something like 00.0000xxx% chance. If you were, would you be able to deploy a rifle in a meaningful amount of time? A handgun is faster by a good measure.

I think you will have spent a lot of your time and energy carrying something that is heavy and has a limited use and never use it. The same could be said of a handgun, but it's all about competing risks for me. What you're feeling is a normal response to tragedy and is called misleading vividness - where a threat feels more present because of its severity or atrocity. It is the same emotional distress that may lead some to call for the banning of firearms because "something must be done"

There is a lot of other life-saving equipment you could buy with the money you're willing to spend. Training and ammo. New brakes on your car. Fire and carbon monoxide detectors. First aid/trauma kits and training (these have saved lives in terrorist attacks such as the Boston Bombing).

With all of that said, you do have good taste in Czech firearms, and for your criteria I would be remiss not to suggest one of these:



New member
Nathan, I carried a gun every working day for lots of years. For many of those years I didn't carry a second weapon. (never needed one, till I did one day) I think you're already carrying around plenty of firepower, primary weapon, a back up, extra magazines, speedloaders, long gun in vehicle, etc. ARs, AKs, rifle type actions produced as giant pistols,etc may all be really cool. But, my suggestion would be to train and practice with what you currently have, unless you really want to go through everyday life loaded down like a pack mule. There were some situations where I could have opted for a shotgun or rifle, but I went with my pistol instead. Reason being, I had trained extensively with the pistol and felt I would be more effective with that in many situations than with the more capable long guns......ymmv

PS, I think dakota.potts makes a lot of sense.


New member
right now I carry a CZ 97BD .45 acp or a 75BD 9mm or a D compact 9mm or Remmy 9mm and a Ruger lcr .38 special for back up and a lever gun in the truck 30-30 and or .44 mag I have 3 mags each for the .45 and 9mm and 2 speed loders of .38 special and a box of 30-30 and.44 mag in the truck.

Are you in a war zone?:confused:

Nathan c

New member
Gyvel no I carry 2 guns lol there is a lot of "or" in there lol :) some days I feel like .45 other days I feel like smaller and 9mm I switch it up.

I may carry my 97bd OR my D compact with the lcr


New member
nathan c said:
right now I carry a CZ 97BD .45 acp or a 75BD 9mm or a D compact 9mm or Remmy 9mm and a Ruger lcr .38 special for back up and a lever gun in the truck 30-30 and or .44 mag I have 3 mags each for the .45 and 9mm and 2 speed loders of .38 special and a box of 30-30 and.44 mag in the truck.

What I am thinking af doing is adding more fire power. I am probably going to add something can carry in a back pack. Maby a P90 a tavor or a AUG posbly a AR or AK sbr. I don't know yet still doing some research.

A full set of body armor would probably be useful in your situation. By any chance are you related to this guy?


Nathan c

New member
No lol if you where to look at my guns and I did not say a word you probably think I was a Fudd lol

My last rifle I got was a Mouser M12 and I rather in joy buying signal shot shot guns :)

I also like Soveat block hand guns for no other reson than there cool mostly go bang every time exption maby the nogont but it's cool any way and well there for the most part, cheep.

Now if I had a choice between a AR or a CZ bolt gun in .270 (yes you could call me a fan boy lol but I do buy other things) I would rather get the CZ but putting a hunting rifle down my pants would make it so I would be walking funny and a AR hand gun or others guns I have mentioned would fit in to a back pack they would be a better choice.