I’ve got a problem with dirt


New member
In the course of my job I kick up a lot of dirt. Now I’m not talking about this little piddling “whew, its dusty in here” kind of dirt. I’m talking about, cakes-everything-gets everywhere-go home-five-pounds-heavier-from-the extra-dirt, dirt. Normally this would just be annoying, however it also causes a real problem; dirt in my magazines, enough to make them fail. As an experiment, after one day of kicking up all this dirt, I tried to manually cycle the slide of my gun* with one of my spare mags inserted and they failed miserably. All of my mags and everybody else’s around me failed to load more than 4 rounds. This concerns me. Admittedly, I have not kicked up all this dirt and then gone to the range and actually fired the gun so it might not be a problem that occurs under firing conditions and recoil. However, others tell me that they have done so and their mags have failed in the same way, so until I have the chance to test for myself I am assuming that the problem is real.

So here is my question; What can I do to either eliminate the dirt, or eliminate the failure of dirty magazines? Keep in mind that the mags have to stay on my person and that periodic cleanings are not very practical (although perhaps the only solution) and that one day was enough to cause failures.

*An HK USP Compact in .40. Extra mags are held in a Bianchi AccuMold mag pouch.


If you have access to an air compressor or PC duster gas you can blow out the debris without taking the magazine apart.


New member
Mebbe it's time to consider a small pocket revo like a hammerless Centennial. In a pocket holster it's pretty well covered. :confused:


New member
I have an air compressor I can use at the end of the day but not during the day. Carrying compressed air bottles or Preston Break Parts cleaner is a possibility…

This is duty carry. Good thought though. ;)


New member
I would recommend getting some +10% magazine springs from Wolff Gunsprings. They may help your magazines feed. I would also encourage you to take it to the range and shoot it in that condition.

I had a similar problem in Afghanistan. The last 8 rounds in my magazine would not feed when I thumbed them out, even with the heavier magazine springs. I had no issues when actually firing my pistol.

I also found that periodic cleanings with a shaving brush helped out a bit.


New member
Try putting the mags in a Ziplock bag, and the pistol in one, too. I suggest than if it's riding ATV's that kicks up the dirt, you could find a way to carry the firearm and mags in such a way that the plastic bags will keep the dirty out. Worked at Fort Irwin, should work for you.


New member
Have you tried using some sort of dry lube, it'll atract less dirt and dust on your piece! I've known of some guys that had their mags coated with Robar NP3, its self lubricating and atracts alot less dust/dirt.


La Migra? ;)


New member
yup, got the same problem as blackhawk6. one of my mags is useless over here. i clean it and the next day i thumb out the rounds to clean it again, and its stuck after 2 rounds.


New member
Are you carrying the mags on your lap? Stick them in a pocket that closes tight. Use a synthetic oil on your pistol; dirt does not like to stick to it. I live on a farm; and am out plowing, etc; and my pistol and mags have no problem with all the dirt blowing around, and believe me, I kick up a lot of dirt! But then again, my pistol and mags are covered by my clothing, jacket, whatever. I don't just hang them off the side of the tractor. I really just can't understand how you are doing this? At the end of the day, I may be covered in dirt from head to toe; but my pistol is clean as could be; mags the same.


New member
But then again, my pistol and mags are covered by my clothing, jacket, whatever. I don't just hang them off the side of the tractor. I really just can't understand how you are doing this?
Its a duty rig. I don't have a choice about putting them under lots of protective clothing.


New member
Oh! Okay! You get to ride around on ATV's "on duty". Cool job! It would seem to me that your pistol could at least be carried in a full flap rig, and your extra mags in your pocket. If the regulations require that your mags are carried on your belt; then I personally would stick an extra mag in my pocket where it would remain clean anyway. What they don't know won't hurt them, and a clean extra mag in your pocket would not only be comforting to your peace of mind, but may very well save your bacon one day. Wear your stuff outside in the dirt like "they" want; carry your "life insurance" in your pocket.