Hypothetical gun control poll

How many guns do you NEED?

  • 1-3

    Votes: 5 4.6%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 8 7.4%
  • 7-10

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • More than 20

    Votes: 9 8.3%
  • Don't ask

    Votes: 8 7.4%
  • None of your business

    Votes: 74 68.5%

  • Total voters


New member
Another of those "if you could only have X number of guns what would they be" thread got me to thinking. If a benevolent dictator decided to limit the number of guns individuals own to what you NEED, how many would that be?

For example, if you shoot high power you could keep one rifle, not a short course and long course gun. If you hunt birds, big game and muzzleloader season you could only keep three. The idea is to still be able to shoot everything you shoot now, but not with the variety of weaponry you now use.


New member
I was chatting to a friend of mine who owns Many Guns, and they made a very valid point: A gun knocking around the house can be instantly converted to capital, and with a lot of firearms, their value appreciates - they're good investments.

Hence: None of your business, Sir. I spend my money on what I choose, and you have no right to tell me how or on what.


New member
Just like asking my significant other why she NEEDS so many pairs of black pumps...her reply (as is mine re: my guns) "because they're all different!"


New member
I buy them with my hard earned cash, I keep them responsibly secured from unauthorized access and I can only shoot one at a time anyway. How many I have or how much ammo I keep is nobodys business.

How many steak knives do you own? How many hammers do you keep in your workshop? Ohmigosh, you own a deadly assault weedwacker?! :rolleyes:


New member
Hello. My name is Joe, and I'm a gunaholic. I'm addicted to firearms. I need many guns to satisfy my constant craving for loud noises and the smell of burnt powder.


New member
NEED has nothing to do with it. I don't NEED an airplane, or a Mastercraft ski boat, or a Ferrari Testarossa. About 90% of people driving bigass SUV's don't NEED them. No one has any f$%king business telling me what I NEED or don't NEED.

Mike Weber

New member
How Many Guns Do I Need

Hey HRG:
Haven't seen you since we had our discussion about junky revolvers. How ya been? As to the question of how many guns do I need. The anwser is simple, always more than I allready have.
It's not the gubmint who'll ask, but it sure...

Sounds like a question from a wife who'd rather have a new dining room set, living room set, bigger house in a better neighborhood, new car, "romantic" vacation, remodelled kitchen, new clothes, new stereo, big screen TV, more jewelry, dining out at fancy restaurants (and no, the corner bar was not what she had in mind), full time childcare, etc.


New member
Wow, I knew there would be a lot of "none ya" replies but I didn’t think it would be so overwhelming.

Note to self, stop asking aggravating questions.


New member
Uh, trapshooter, that sounded an awful lot like "a few fries short of a Happy Meal."

Is that what you meant to say? :D

bastiat, you said it best.

But this question sparked another train of thought for me. So here's a tinfoil hat question for all of you:

Why on earth, on a public board, would you anwer any question about how many or what type of firearms you have, particularly when the same person (not griz) regularly posts such questions, often asking for pictures of you with your firearms?

It's alright. I'll go take my meds now.
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El Rojo

New member
This poll is flawed (just like most of mine). There is a major difference between want and need. We really only need a handgun and a battle rifle. That is all that is really required for the militia that is tasked with ensuring the security of our free state. However, you still need crew served weapons, artillary, precision rifles, and maybe some shotguns or sub guns. How many guns do I want? I like the "1 more than I already have" answer.