

New member
We visited a vendor this morning to check on some work they're doing for us. Walked in and asked for our contact. The receptionist paged him and while we were waiting, I noticed a very large pig head mounted to the wall. Had 4+ inch teeth on it. I said "Nice pig! Probably made some tasty chops too". Mrs. Receptionist's face got all screwed up and she said "I hate it. I'm anti killing of anything! I just can't stand the thought of someone shooting any animal". I shut my trap and and our contact showed up. Sitting in the conference room at around lunch time, Mrs. Receptionist showed up with some pizza and drinks. Before she left the room, our contact told her to go ahead and take a couple slices of the sausage and pepperoni and a drink. A half hour later, as we're leaving, she's just wiping the pizza juice off her face, so on the way out I said to my deputy "I'll bet that pig made excellent pepperoni too.... oh and thanks, bye!".

When I got to thinking about it, I guess maybe she's not so hypocritical. After all, she didn't say she doesn't like meat, or that she minds eating meat that she hasn't thought about someone killing. :)

OK.... I do take some small pleasure in the fact that she's sitting directly across from the head all day long. :D


New member
Adding Teflon to a barrel

My mediocre knowledge of the process causes me to raise this question. Say one was to use a Teflon based product to clean their bores prior to shooting. Over time would the heat and pressure coat the bore?

Given what little I know about Teflon it should.


New member
As hypocrisy goes that's pretty mild. Seeing hunting as a form of blood lust and the slaughterhouse as antiseptic and dispassionate, lets people disconnect. So the former becomes killing and the latter "processing".

Compared to the study that showed followers of the prince of peace were more likely to support torture than the general population. It ain't a very big thing at all.
I get the impression some times that there are folks that feel there is a class of "untouchables" that process our food for us because it is beneath a properly raised or cultured person.

There is also the naive belief that farm-raised animals are humanely euthanized whereas animals in the wild are killed. Apparently, the former is perceived as peaceful and gentle and the latter is perceived as violent.


New member
I don't see much of a difference between that lady and many others who don't like to go hunting because you kill Bambi in the process.

I wouldn't sweat what she said. I would have taken it as she doesn't like hunting rather than she doesn't like meat.


New member
See, us real people who actually know and follow our religions and philosophies know that killing is perfectly ok in some situations. I would never kill Bambi just to kill Bambi, but that doesn't mean there aren't situations that make it justified. Food and population control for starters.
The people that think all killing are bad are the ones who either get a taste of eastern philosophy in their 9th grade history class and suddenly convert and think they know something about it, or the ones who very selectively read their bible. Ive seen it and its sad.
For some reason being a pacifist has gotten trendy :barf:

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Are teflon coated boars used in a greased pig contest?

What is going on in this thread! Personally, I don't like pepperoni - prefer sausage.

44 AMP

They can have any opinion they want, I don't mind.

What I mind is when they try to claim some kind of moral superiority because of their opinion.

Ever meet a vegetarian who thinks they are a morally superior person because of it? And even worse, thinks all vegetarians are morally superior people?

If you do, you might remind them that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian.

And if a teflon coated boar is shot out of a cannon, is it swine flew?

Evan Thomas

New member
44 AMP said:
Ever meet a vegetarian who thinks they are a morally superior person because of it? And even worse, thinks all vegetarians are morally superior people?

Yah... speaking of Teflon-coated bores. :D

Actually, most of the vegetarians I know have some respect for the idea that if you eat meat, you should be willing to kill the animal yourself. And I have more respect for them than I do for the meat-eaters who object to killing Bambi: I've been known to point out that Bambi has a bit nicer life, and probably no worse a death, that a steer or hog on some giant factory farm...

And as for the people I know who won't eat veal because they're sure it involves cruelty to those little baby calves, but just love that factory-farmed turkey -- don't even get me started.
Don't kill Bambi, starve him!

My sister married a guy with about 2,000 acres of marketable timber. He sold all of the red oak to a buyer, and put a big $$$ deposit in the bank.

She had always had a "save Bambi" attitude, and never missed a chance to let me know that my deer hunting was inappropriate.

So, when I found out about the red oak harvest, I asked her if she knew how many deer she/they had starved to death.

She didn't know that red oak acorns are utilized by deer long after white oak acorns had been depleted, and/or rotted on the ground. The high tannic acid content of the red oak acorn preserves it, even if it lies uneaten on the ground for a couple of months.

I assured her that a quick death by gunshot was a much more compassionate way to go than a lingering death by starvation, or being too weakened by starvation to outrun or fight off a pack of coyotes.


New member
I was at the restaurant show at the javits convention center in nyc a few years ago. I had gotten a sample of alligator meat (it tastes like chicken) and commented that it was really good. Out of the blue one of the people in a booth tells me "I can't believe you eat meat that's just wrong. I look at her and say your wearing leather shoes and holding a leather purse shut the .... up


New member
To meat or not to meat, that is the question.

I have never understood why a vegitarian would not eat beef. Don't cows eat grass? That, in my book would make beef an alternate delivery system for grass, a vegitable.:D

I used to work with a guy who didn't eat dead critters of any kind at all, no siree bob! Except that, well, he like, uhm, really liked shrimp, and, well, uhm, well, you see, like, every once in a while, only occasionally mind you, he was able to justify eating a plate full of shrimp because, well, you see, uhm, shrimp have really, really little brains, so shrimp didn't really count.;)
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