Hypocrisy and Elitism in Ohio Government


Moderator Emeritus
The following article appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Sunday, Jan 30, 2000, page B2 Make sure you check out the last paragraph. This is the crux of the problem that I have with this.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>House assistant sergeants-at-arms to have police training
(Associated Press)

COLUMBUS - The Ohio House is replacing three assistant sergeants-at-arms with officers who have police credentials. The three will leave by March 3 and will be replaced then or as soon as possible afterward, said Orest Holubec, a spokesman for House Speaker JoAnn Davidson, a suburban Columbus Republican.
Sergeant-at-Arms Bob Foster, who joined the House when Davidson became speaker in 1995, will stay. Foster served 22 years as a Secret Service agent and 13 years as a U.S. marshal, Holubec said.
The change was part of a long-term look at security in the house, he said. House officials didn't feel the assistant sergeants-at-arms had the necessary credentials. The sergeant-at-arms is responsible for security in the House chamber at the Statehouse and in House-members' offices at Riffe Center in downtown Columbus.
Both the House and the Senate have begun posting armed members of the State Highway Patrol's police officer division outside their chambers during legislative sessions. (emphasis by TBM)[/quote]

So, my tax money is being spent to protect the members of the Ohio Congress. I have no problem with that. They should be kept safe. My complaint is that this is the same legislative body that is denying me my right to defend myself by carrying concealed. It wouldn’t cost the state anything for me to have the right to carry. In fact, they could charge me a fee when applying for a CHL and have it be a moneymaker for the state!

This is hypocrisy and elitism at it’s worst.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website