Hunting Hogs

Can someone advise me of Hog hunting Florida Panhandle? I would be in the area north of Defuniak Springs to the AL line. Should I use a shotgun or rifle? Never tried hogs before. Thanks for any advice.:confused: and new to hogs!

The Tourist

When it comes to feral hogs, I would suggest you contact no other than Jon Graham at Graham knives. Not only does he make cutting tools for this sport, but he has numerous friends and clients who actively are engaged in this sport.

He's a wealth of knowledge on not only firearms, but other implements that make hunting a joy rather than a job. He's a hoot to talk to, a real straight shooter on info, and an honest businessman.


New member
I would also try to get a hold of "hogdogs" o this forum. he lives in the western Florida panhandle i believe and he is a wealth of knowledge. i have taken alot of advise from him.


Staff In Memoriam
Okay, I am awaker now. The hoggin' up here is pretty good if you have several spots to work with and time to put in the ground work patterning their routine.

One of the most important things to know is that the hogs are usually in the roughest of terrain when not out feeding.

I wouldn't think of trying to really target hogs without the dogs as they really do the hard work finding them.

I hunt the Paxton and Darlington areas when I got a dog worth feeding. Currently I am without a curr dog.


New member
Well, here cause of the Law, we only hunt with shotguns and most hunters use 9 - 8 pellet buckshot.

Slugs is said to be the best, but they are expansive, and we can't have rifled barrels anyway.

Personally, i would love to hunt Hogs with a rifle. Big caliber of course to put him down for sure.

But you can use shotguns. This is how we hunt them here anyway.:cool: