Hunting "accident"


New member
Opinions on the incident?

Its a horrible thing for the woman's family to have to endure.

Its an equally horrible thing for this 14 year old boy to have to live with for th rest of his life.....


New member
I have never hunted bear, just white tails, but does it seem a little irresponisple to allow a 14 year old and a 16 year old to hunt bear without any supervision. Deer sure no problems, but bear. :confused:

You wound one of those things and then corner it....

Would gladly love to be set straight, but it sounds bad to me.


looks like Gramps is going down for some serious criminal negligence, it's illegal for sub-18 year olds to hunt unsupervised - and here's a great example of why!


New member
I don't believe that a hiker could be mistaken for a bear by anyone even remotely trying to identify their target. No way, not unless she was wearing a bear costume.

Something is fishy in that case and furthermore it is going to damage hunters and gun enthusiasts reputations across the country.


New member
There really needs to be separate hunting areas that a far away from hikers to avoid issues like this.


New member
I don't believe that a hiker could be mistaken for a bear by anyone even remotely trying to identify their target. No way, not unless she was wearing a bear costume.

Well we don't know the condition of the terrain she was shot in if there was foliage between her and the shooter and a thick tree top casting hevy shadows in her area the outline of a person bent over could resemble that of a bear.

You would be suprised all of what can blend in with the forest in heavy over shadow even very light colors.

None the less though the hunters should have 100% ID'd the target before shooting.

There really needs to be separate hunting areas that a far away from hikers to avoid issues like this.

Hunters and hikers alike can still wander into the others areas i think a useful tip to hikers is to wear something with hunter orange like the hunters do during hunting season to help with recognition.


New member
Either way these two can't be trusted with fire-arms.

I don't really care if its an accident or not, if you shoot someone without reason you need to lose your guns.


New member
Well we don't know the condition of the terrain she was shot in if there was foliage between her and the shooter and a thick tree top casting hevy shadows in her area the outline of a person bent over could resemble that of a bear.

I don't doubt for a second that the young boy "thought" he saw a bear. He wasn't totally sure of his target and took the shot anyway. Terrible accident but proof that he should have been supervised.


New member
I think that is my problem is that "Gramps" dropped these two off to go hunting by themselves.

Some object rustling in the brushes is not enough data.


New member
I think that you could misidentify a bear at 120yds in the right conditions. That's not to say that you should take the shot, just that it's possible to make such a mistake.


New member
looks like Gramps is going down for some serious criminal negligence, it's illegal for sub-18 year olds to hunt unsupervised - and here's a great example of why!

Not in Washington State

“The young hunter and his 16-year-old companion broke no laws by hunting in the area and there is no minimum age for hunting in Washington, but Saturday's shooting has some people thinking twice about hiking in areas shared with hunters”

Terrible accident but proof that he should have been supervised

I wasn’t an accident he killed what he shot at and should be charged with Manslaughter.

44 AMP

Which Rule # is it?

The one that says "Be sure of your target, and what is beyond it." ?

I'm sure the kid was "sure" it was a bear, but that doesn't change anything for the victim.


I wasn’t an accident he killed what he shot at and should be charged with Manslaughter.

Because that is going to bring back the woman who was shot, right? Wrong, all that is going to do is put a 14 y/o into the system until he is 18. Now one life is ended and one is destroyed.

Besides, a case for involuntary manslaughter would be pretty tough to win in this case. The boy was not "legaly" reckless in his actions-which is to say that he did not act with wanton disregard for this situation by knowingly and willfuly endangering others. Carelessness, possibly(were you standing next to the boy with a pair of binoculars?) but not recklessness.


New member
So I guess its just, "oh hey sorry, ya your daughter/wife/sister got killed but - she was thought to be a bear"

Come on, I don't feel safe around the vast majority of adult hunters, let alone a couple of minors.

Something needs to change,


I just can't fathom why anybody, even a child, would pull the trigger on something they can't positively identify. Blows my mind every time I hear a story like this. To me, it is the pinnacle of irresponsibility.


New member
Give it a rest. It was a terrible accident, but how can you be sure of what all the details were surrounding the case. ou don't know what kind of clothes she was wearing the light factor or whether or not there was obstacles in the way. The fact of the matter is that this was one of those one in a million mistakes. I think pressing criminal charges against the boy will be pointless. I'm sure he will punish himself enough for the rest of his life to make whatever punishment the state could give him look like a slap on the wrist. I seriously doubt he'll go anywhere near a firearm for a good while, and when and if he does he'll never fire another shot he isn't absolutely sure of. I'm sure there will be a civil suit and his grandfather will be taken to court for a pretty lump sum of cash. I think using this as an example for stricter regulations is ridiculous. How many times have those boys been out there doing the exact same thing without an incident like this happening? Also how many other young boys and girls are out there each year doing the same thing without an incident happening? I am an avid hiker, and common sense tells us that when on shared land it makes sense to wear blaze orange caps or vests during hunting season if you know there are going to be hunters in the area. It was a terrible accident end of story.


New member's murder........Mistook a person for a bear? was she covered on hair? was she on all fours walking around?

Maybe these punks took a shot at somthing they weren't sure what it was?

Manslaughter at the least....