Hungarian PPK


New member
I am in the market for a hand gun and was wanting a PPK but the $500 price tag is out of my price range. Was reading a round and seen people talk about a Hungarian gun that was just about the same as a PPK was wondering if any one had any info on it like the name of the company price and all that junk. Also was looking at some 9mm whats a good 9mm for around $350 if thats even possable. thanks much


New member
Called the FEG PA-63, chambered in 9mm mak although there are some that are chambered in .380 acp (and I think .32 acp), but these versions go by slightly different names... all made by FEG though. Don't know much beyond that.

A $350 9mm? Ruger P95 should fall right in that area... good gun, but not all that easy to conceal.


New member
thanks was looking for a .380 in the ppk..also was looking in the gun store today at a taurus 9mm think it was around $380 give or take with tax


New member
I have one of the PMK 380's, found it to be reliable and alot more comfortable to shoot the the Walther PPK/S that I had, the walther had a tendancey to be picky on ammo and chew the hell outta my thumb.
Also the PMK is a lot cheaper then the walther.

michael t

New member
Get the Bersa thunder in 380 around 200 bucks A close clone of PPK/S with out the price or other so called problems


New member
FWIW, the FEG SMC-380 is the smallest (and, hence, most PPK-like) that they import. Ever so slightly larger than a PPK, but smaller than a PPK/S. I had one; it was nice. Here's a photo of the SMC-918, the same gun in a 9x18 chambering.
