

New member
Probably not since you are not likely to saturate the air with a humidifier and if you have one with the readout on it you can limit the humidity in the room. Also this time of year the air is so dry (hence the need for the humidifier) it dries out pretty quickly.

If this room has the return vent for your HVAC most of the humidity is being pulled through the system and redistributed to the other rooms of the house. If you don't have the return vent in this room I would relocate the humidifier to the one that does.

If you have the guns in a safe or RSC just put dessicant cans in there or go with the best option of using a Goldenrod. If they are not in a safe and for some even if they are I would recommend using the Gun Socks to keep all but your SD gun in.


Guns and ammo storage should be in a in a "cool, dry place".

Fluctuations in temp cause condenstion, which shoots the "dry" all to hell.

Fluctuations in humidity play hell with wood and chemical compunds (think propellants).