

New member
To all, Recently I got into a Debate with a person in here, It was most Humbeling as what he posted was correct, My pride did take a big hit and rightly so. I have decided to do as he states and get a Lot more on hand expirence instead of just reading expirence. Kind of get it together so to say. I hope I have not offended to many in here, And a big sorry to Darn Wind. While what you posted was kinda rough, I will not ever say I did not have it coming. Reading will never substitute on hand expirence. Till next time-You guys all have a Great Time, and once more- Sorry Darn Wind, But thanks in a very good way also.
I will still get to the Matches in GF every now and then. Hear there is one in 2 weeks again. Not sure on that one as we are on vacation and going to the Cities, But I will see you out there again-


New member
4runnerman, everyone makes mistakes. Takes a good man to admit when he's wrong. Didn't read the back & forth. Refreshing to know there are good people out there.


New member
I've made tons of mistakes here and got schooled. You learn from this, no harm really.
Everything contributes to the knowledge gained. If both sides of the discussions were correct, forums like these wouldn't last very long.


New member
Shooting over sixty years and still learning. Nothing like actually getting the experience "hands on". You're doing good if you can accept things and learn from them. Some can't, so you're better for it.

Metal god

New member
OK , what just happened there ? I'm not sure what I just read . It appears you said you are done posting on this forum or what ? 4runner can you give us/me more context to what you're talking about . I've found you very knowledgeable and helpful . What has happen that completely undermined your confidence in your ability to contribute in a meaningful way ?

I've learned a lot by being proved wrong. I don't find it fun, but it is constructive.

Hell I learn most things that way . Not because I'm ignorant , I'm just not that bright :D But really I've gotten really good at my job by making mistakes . I'm in construction ( mostly finish work ) but do a lot of repair work . I've learned how to fix a few things by having to fix mistakes I've made over the years .

I remember one of the first threads I ever posted in here . I got slammed by BartB for being incorrect ( I was ) and arguing I was not . No problem , I moved on knowing more then I did before posting . I recently went back to and looked at some of my earliest post here at TFL . It's funny how much I thought I knew .
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Easy to be wrong. Hard to admit you were wrong. Harder to apologize for reacting poorly to being wrong.



New member
Have been shooting for 1/2 of a century and still don't know enough. That's why all of my posts are always based on personal experience and not what I have read, but will quote the experts. Glad to know your willing to admit when your wrong, it is a hard pill to swallow only a real man will admit.
One's Ethics:
Its always better to complement than to critique.
Just saying: Never allow your anxiety to critique some other get the best of you. Doing so hobbles discussion. AND MY>ENTERTAINMENT !! :D


New member
Mistakes is what make's us better, after we learn from them!You're not the only one 4runnerman.Thanks for sharing!!!