Hudson H9.


New member
I think the biggest takeaway from every review I've seen so far is that people either love it or hate it.

As has been pointed out repeatedly whenever the subject comes up, the Hudson doesn't do much that a quality polymer gun won't do for half the price and two-thirds the weight.

That said, I'm personally excited to try one when one of the local shops gets a rental model. It's like this: I love 1911's. I shoot them better than any other gun. Because of that, I've been strongly considering a 9mm 1911 for carry for years. But I don't care for carrying "cocked and locked" (or manual safeties for that matter). By creating a gun that closely approximates the feel of a 1911 but incorporates a more modern action, Hudson rolled this one right up my alley.

The fact that they squeezed a double-stack mag into a grip that, by all accounts, doesn't feel noticeably thicker than a standard 1911 grip is icing on the cake...

But this is definitely one that I'm going to try before I buy.


New member
We got two into the shop. The owner took one and we've been borrowing it for the range. I've been traveling a bit and haven't had my turn yet, but I hope to in the next week or so. Everyone else loves it. I love the feel of it in my paw, but I'm not sure about the trigger yet.
If anyone wants the other one (still new!) let me know....we happily ship!


New member
Horrid looking thing.
It's not going to win any beauty contests, but I wouldn't call it "horrid". It's got a sort of "sci-fi" thing going on that I kind of dig. Granted that's not everyone's cup of tea. Comes down to it though, a gun that's ugly but functional is still a gun that's functional...


New member
I'm really looking forward to trying one. Not horrid or putrid in my opinion at all. I think it'd look better with a smooth dust cover instead of a rail, but I think it's a good looking gun already, as is.


New member
Sorry, I'm not the least bit intrigued by this one. Hickok was sometimes having a mag hang up on the trigger bow upon insertion. He also was printing low with every type of ammo he put through it. I just can't abide by a pistol in the thousand dollar range that won't shoot to p.o.a. And the front end of that thing just looks goofy to me. For me, it's a pass:(


New member
I think it would be slightly less horrifically putrid if the grip wasn't trying so hard to be a 1911. Seems a little old fashioned on a modern gun.

In the original pictures online the dustcover seemed really big. After seeing videos of it in people's hands it doesn't seem bad at all.

It's growing on me.


New member
An $1100 ugly gun is an ugly gun that waists about $500! It serves no purpose other than for people to say they spent a bunch of money on a gun.
Z400ACDC said:
Anyone have one and want to give a review?
Saw it at the SHOT Show in 2017.

Not impressed.

They make various, nebulous claims about a 1911 "heritage," but it doesn't look or feel at all like a 1911. There's a good reason for that -- it's not a 1911. If you want a 1911, buy a 1911. Don't buy a new design from designers who claim they value the 1911's heritage but thought they could design a better firearm than John Moses Browning.

'Nuff said.


New member
Don't buy a new design from designers who claim they value the 1911's heritage but thought they could design a better firearm than John Moses Browning.

I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. I've watched multiple interviews with them and in none of them did they claim their design is "better". I do think it resembles a 1911 more than some other pistols, but you're right it ins't a 1911.

I don't think this pistol will see massive production numbers. I think there will be those that like it, and those that don't (as evidenced by this thread). I do feel confident in saying that the ghost of John Moses Browning, requiem et pace, won't feel the need to wander the Earth in anger over this. It's just a pistol folks. Even though I personally don't want one, I see nothing wrong with people investing their money and making a go at this industry. The market will decide if they are a success or not. At least it's mildly different from another striker fired polymer framed pistol.


Very nice 1911 style 9mm. Very cool. Radical design changes with the recoil absorbsion mechanism, quite the game changer.