HUD Self Help Program


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"The government wasted $1.1 million on a program that advised public housing tenants on choosing the right gemstones, types of incense and clothing colors to improve their self-esteem,...
"The Creative Wellness Program was funded through a federal anti-drugs and crime program at the Department of Housing and Urban Development starting in 1998. But in a report released Wednesday, the HUD inspector general found... 'This represents an excessive and ineffective use of public housing drug elimination funds with no measurable benefits,'"
"The inspector general also said that HUD employee Gloria Cousar, then deputy assistant secretary for public and assisted housing delivery, likely misused her position by awarding the contract for the program to Michelle Lusson, with whom she had a long-standing relationship through their joint leadership of the Virginia-based Community Center for Holistic Healing and other capacities."

The late Will Rogers once said, "Be thankful you don't get all the government you pay for." I think we're closer than ever.