HR1243 - National Reciprocity (All United States)


New member

You want concealed carry rights NATIONWIDE?

DATE: Tuesday November, 8th ALL DAY (call when you can)

WHO TO CALL: House Committee on the Judiciary.

NUMBER: 1-202-225-3951

Please call and urge the committee to bring HR 1243 up for a vote.


Call taker Andrew promised to forward my comments on to the Chairman. As already stated on, let's keep him very busy!!!


New member
I wonder if this will get the same challange as HR 218 for LEO's, that its a states rights issue not a Federal issue?


But this isn't concealed carry rights nationwide. This bill will not give a license to someone in a state that doesn't have one. This is a bill for extraterritoriality where citizens of another state can inflict their states laws on you.


New member

CCW reciprocity. Not a "Federal License" or anything like that. Just a law that makes our carry licenses valid nationwide. Congress has the power under Article 4 of the Constitution to pass this law.

There is also the Full Faith and Credit Clause underwhich our permits should be honored in any state.

Taken to the next level, those states that do not provide for a carry option are outright violating the 2A. One can argue a permit process, which is shall issue, is not a significant infringement. If a state though refuses to take even that step I have no problem with the Federal authority forcing them to honor the permits of other states, just as a driver's license is valid in all 50 states and US territories.


Whether Wisconsin and California are violating 2A is not within the purview of the bill. It doesn't fix the problem, it makes it worse - those state citizens become second class in their own state compared to visitors.

Driver's licenses are very uniform and universal. But any state could choose to refuse them from another state who drops their basic requirements too low.

Currently, CCL are neither uniform in their requirements nor universal. Bad comparison.

Either make a law that requires states to issue, or make a national CCL, comparable to other national licenses. But this bill is madness. It allows Mississippi to tell Kansas what Mississippians are going to be able to do in Kansas, regardless of Kansas law. That would be unfortunate.

You want a 2A issue in front of the Supreme Court? This one would end up there, and lose.