HP sights


New member
I've been more into Glocks lately, but I want to get proficient with the Browning now. The rear sight is not centered, there it even a notch on the slide AND the sight. I guess the original owner (I bought it used) did that after finding his perfect POA/POI, but it doesn't work for me!

So... how can I adjust the sights on my BHP? I can't just push them with my finger, they sit very tight. How else do you recommend me doing it? I have no experience with anything like that. My Glock has the factory adjustable sights (I think in the US they come with fixed ones, right? I wonder why that is:confused:) and the S&W revolvers also have adjustable sights.

I'm sure most of you know how to adjust the sights, I feel somewhat stupid for not knowing myself...I'm sure you guys can help me!

This is the pistol I'm talking about:

(I know I keep posting that same pic, sorry:D)


New member
First of all you have to be sure about the difference between the POA / POI.
If your pistol's POI differs only in windage, then it is easy to fix your problem. If you have a mangle, brass punch, you can easyly hammer to drift the rear sight.But, sure it needs some practice. If you have a friend accustomed to such kind of manupulations, ask for help. Brass punches are hard enough to drift the sight, but also soft enough to prevent it. All you may need after the job is done is a small cold blue touch up to the sight.