How's the Hi Point carbine?


New member
So I think it's time for my mom to have a home defense carbine. There have been two instances of people trying to get into her house recently, the most recent was the night before last. Both through the front door around 3 AM. She does have a dog but he is pretty much useless, scared of his own shadow and he won't bark at something that scares him, so he's not really a good watch dog.

The Police have been alerted to the goings on and do make a drive-by now and again but that's not seeming to work. So it's time for stronger measures. She wouldn't take the Makarov I tried to give her because she doesn't really like pistols, said she would be more comfortable with a rifle. Since I will most likely be funding the purchase, and me being poor, I am looking on a budget. Hence the Hi Point.

So how are they? I know they're ugly as sin but I was thinking it would be a good mid powered weapon and easy for her to use. Low recoil is real important so I was thinking the 9mm or .40 version specifically. Any input is appreciated.

PS- I left MY dog with her (90 lb Boxer that's very protective and loud spoken) and did talk her into a .22WMR revolver I had laying around until I get her something better.


New member
They got some really goood reviews from several Cop mags and a publication of Gun Tests. I've picked a couple up and honestly couldn't find a darn thing to discredit or gripe about (other than asthetics). I would certainly do a fair chunk of reserch (for your own piece of mind), but it is likely that if you buy one and it does not perform up to snuff- the factory and/or seller ought ot stand behind it and make the deal right.

I don't know what kind of neighborhood your Ma lives in, as far as distance betweenst neighbors, but is an SKS an option for a limited budget? Or the Kel-Tec Sub 2000? I hope not too many folks beat you up here- I feel your pain. I love my Ma, and billy-be-damned if I leave her without defenses... I'm right there with ya bro.

chris in va

New member
Eh, well...I bought a used one in pretty bad shape at a gun show a while back. Sent it off to the factory, they replaced a few things and I had no issues for about a year. Then the safety lever snapped off.

Sent it back again. They misaligned the barrel with the new receiver. Rounds just wouldn't feed. Sent it back...again.

A $120 carbine ended up costing me an extra $130 due to shipping, and after they effed up the barrel alignment they wouldn't reimburse me for shipping costs. "We'll give you extra magazines!". Like I need more than the 8 I already have.

Now it sits in the corner of my safe. It's probably fine now, but I don't trust it.

That being said my female friend LOVES the thing. With the red dot she can whack soda cans like no tomorrow at 50 yards.

If she's looking for something in carbine length and manageable recoil, consider a Saiga in x39 for $270. With softpoints it is a fantastic SD rifle.


New member
I own two and like them. The first was a worn out 995 that was made during the first year of production. It had obviously seen tens of thousands of rounds. After about 500 rounds from me the firing pin spring broke in half. Despite this it still fired 3/4 of the time. I sent it back to the factory and they replaced every part except the receiver. (I joke that they wanted all the parts to see how well they held up.)

The second is a 4095 in 40 S&W. As for what caliber to get, they both hold 10 rounds, but the 40 has a power advantage. On the other hand, 9mm ammo is cheaper so she could get more practice. All the 4095's have a last shot bolt hold open, only newer 995s have this feature. (I'm not even sure if they have introduced the 995s with the LSBHO yet.)

As for advice, here is what I can give you.

1. Factory magazines only. Stay away from Pro-mag magazines, their 15 rounders do not work.
2. Be careful how you load the magazine. If you aren't careful on how you load them, the round on top will nosedive causing a jam. It's not hard, just make sure that the rounds are sitting in the mag level with the feed lips and not pointing down. Once you have it figured out it is easy enough.
3. Try different ammo, while most will feed WWB and other cheap stuff just fine, some are a little more picky. Many people just try one type of cheap ammo and then declare the gun junk if the gun doesn't feed it.


New member
What about a shotgun? The hipoint carbine is pretty nice, but the buttstock pinches me everytime I shoot it (cheap plastic). It does have some kick to it.


New member
shot gun.
A 20 or even 28 gauge pump is better than a rifle imho.

You also might consider getting some heavy duty doors and locks for your mom.


New member

Check it out. Put these in also. I am a retired locksmith and used to sell these as a must have item. I use them in my home today and have one to use when I travel. If you put one in be sure and do not use the door knob as it will tear it off in time. I use a drawer pull and screw it to the door just below the knob. The most common mistake is that people get the bottom too far from the door and it is not as secure. You want the bottom to no further than about 1 foot from the door.


New member
shot gun.
A 20 or even 28 gauge pump is better than a rifle imho.

You also might consider getting some heavy duty doors and locks for your mom.

I honestly do not think my mom could handle a shotgun. Not only that but I want her to have something as simple as can be. No pumping and definately no single shot. So that leaves semi auto and decent semi autos mean bigger money than I have at the moment.

As far as heavy duty locks and stuff go, my mom lives in a mobile home. A mobile home on a dark street with one neighbor. A mobile home riddled with enormous double windows. If someone wants in the house bad enough, they will get in the house.

Whatever I get her, it will see minimal use. She will probably go to the range with me every once in a while and put a few rounds thru it so ammo cost isn't really an issue. I thought about an SKS but my sister lives with my mom still. Their rooms are on opposite ends of the house and the front door is in the middle, so if my mom starts popping off 7.62x39s they're headed towards my sisters room. I think there are enough walls in between to stop hollow point .40s but not a 7.62x39.
good choice IMO, the fun shop I frequent has one on the rack I looked over. can't beat the price or warranty. I've read they're reliable. Sportmans Guide has 15 rd. mags for them. what more can a gal want?


New member
I own a 995 and I put the ATI stock on it along with a red dot and it looks a lot better than it did when I bought it with the factory stock and sights.
I have put hundreds of rounds through it with no problems with the gun itself. I did have a magazine that the spring broke so I sent it back to the company and they sent me 2 new mag's.
My wife loves shooting it. It is rated for +P+ loads and with the right ammo it would make a good HD gun.
It's also as simple as can be in a firearm.
It's a great little gun.


New member
So that leaves semi auto and decent semi autos mean bigger money than I have at the moment.

Have you thought about a Saiga? Street price is less than $300, the 16" version is really easy to handle in a confined space, and it's available in a (relatively) light-recoiling .223 version. Although the factory synthetic stock is cheesy, the fit-and-finish and general quality beats out anything from Hi-Point or Eastern Europe. (The Saiga is a genuine Russian-built rifle from the Izhevsk factory that originated the AK. :cool: )

my sister lives with my mom still. Their rooms are on opposite ends of the house... so if my mom starts popping off 7.62x39s they're headed towards my sisters room. I think there are enough walls in between to stop hollow point .40s but not a 7.62x39.

I wouldn't assume that any number of mobile home walls will stop any serious defensive handgun or rifle round! :eek: Go here:

Maybe an alteration of their sleeping arrangements is in order. :D


my mom lives in a mobile home...

... I thought about an SKS but my sister lives with my mom still. Their rooms are on opposite ends of the house and the front door is in the middle, so if my mom starts popping off 7.62x39s they're headed towards my sisters room. I think there are enough walls in between to stop hollow point .40s but not a 7.62x39.

You're showing good instincts here, but a .40 or 9mm can do the same thing unless it hits multible studs or other obstructions. 1/4 inch gypsem board doesn't stop much. Consider a .410 or 20 ga shotgun with a couple shells of #7 1/2 shot followed by a couple #4 buck shot and a couple 00.

I think that it would be a good idea to buy a piece of wallboard, divide it into pieces, and set up about 5 thicknesses with spaces in between and shoot it from 15 feet away. Every pistol cartridge I know of will go right through it.
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New member
a .40 or 9mm can do the same thing unless it hits multible studs or other obstructions.

That's true. I tried to talk my mom into a Mini 14 that I have laying around but she was scared when I showed her a cartridge. And she doesn't want a shotgun. We had a nice talk about it last night. That's one of the main reasons I thought of a pistol caliber carbine. That and recoil. My mom's kind of frail. She has always been skiddish of guns and has never liked them. This experience though really drove home the neccessity of having a defensive weapon. I went ahead and ordered the Hi Point carbine. We're going to the range next Tuesday, hopefully it will be here by then. Thanx for all the input guys!


New member
There are semi autos under 500 in 20 gauge on gun broker

There is also this

A saiga shotgun based on the AK 47 action in 410 gauge

Loaded with slugs these are as effective as a pistol round of similar caliber.
Buckshot can be just as discouraging.

Lower recoil than a rifle and not quite as much worry about passing through walls.


New member
one of my friends bought a hi point pistol for his girlfriend for xmas, hosetly I would feel better holding a bullet between my fingers and smashing the primer with a nale. it is honestly the poorest qualety pistol Ive ever seen in my life. I dont meen to sound like a net nazi I just cant get over that pos


they're ugly, poorly balenced, not ergonomic, and you can't get high caps for them. They do work though, and if the alternative was being unarmed I'd get a Hi point. I wouldn't mind having a few cached as throwaways.


New member
If your mother is "kind of frail" one thing to check is that she can easily work the bolt. Even after hundreds of rounds, mine is still very stiff to operate.

On the plus side, it's been absolutely flawless and with the new ATI stock, it feels pretty good too.


New member
i like the High Point for the price.

had one for a few years,my dad has it now.

but i wouldnt recommend it for SD/HD.

its a fun plinking gun,but thats about it.

although if its the only option...better than nothing i suppose.

chris in va

New member
How about a Saiga 20? Less recoil than the 12, cheaper I believe and super simple to operate, much more so than a regular shotgun. Basically an AK shotgun.

Won't go through as many walls as a pistol caliber or x39 either with the right load.



New member
Shotguns are out guys. She doesn't want one. And right now I think if I press her towards one, she will end up shooting it and not liking it and it may turn her off of guns altogether. I am working the Lakeland gunshow right now so I'm on the lookout for alternatives. Haven't seen many so far. I did get to handle the Hi Point and I wasn't really disappointed. Yea, it's not fancy or pretty but it would fit the purpose I need it for. There are a couple of the Ruger .40 carbines I've seen but people seem to want way too much for them. I have also been thinking about a Universal M1 Carbine. More powerful and more my mom's size. I can't afford a GI for her though (like I said I wasn't expecting on having to buy this gun in the first place and I'm stretched real thin right now) so I have to wait until the right one comes along if that's the way I go.