Howd'ya Hold Your P32?


New member
This post isn't about accuracy; stopping power; or JHP v. FMJ.

I just wanted to know how people hold their KelTec P32s when they shoot them. Since I consider mine a contact weapon, I practice with it one-handed & point shooting.

To be honest, I can't even hold it two-handed because it is so small. My weak hand grip gets in the way of the trigger & trigger finger while my left thumb rides completely over the top of the slide, obscuring the sight picture.

Anyone care to share?


New member
I just grip the bottom of my right palm/wrist (mostly wrist) with my left hand without fingers extended up towards the pistol. I practice one handed too with elbow bent holding it fairly close in as that is probably more realistic if you had to use it at very short range.


New member
Most of my time behind my P-32 is done with one handed point shooting, from both arm extended and retention positions.


I think the P-32 was designed as the perfect gun for the guy who is extremely worried about printing or the little girlfriend of yours who needs something more than a can of seasoning as she's walking to her car after the late shift....


New member
Usually one-handed....

I draw the P32 by squeezing the grip in the web of my hand until I can get it to a point where I can wrap it up with my fingers. I practice point-shooting with one hand. The diamond-shaped hump on the slide of the P32 makes an excellent pointing indicator. The mild recoil makes one-handed shooting a breeze. I also practice emptying the entire clip as fast as I can pull the trigger and still keep the gun on-target.


New member
Point and shoot,arm bent elbow at hip,fire as fast as possible. At 10 feet you can put 7/10 rds. in a full size target


New member
both one and two handed... usually I'll start with pulling it out exactly as carried (pocket lint and all) and empty the mag as fast as I can pull the trigger.. This results in a shot gun pattern on the target at about 10 feet, but I rarely entirely miss the silhouette even shooting very rapidly. This is more or less to give me the warm fuzzy that it will do exactly this if needed. Then I start worrying about trying to aim, or shoot with two hands.


New member
One-handed also. Usually point-and-shoot.

I've got about 600 rounds thru mine and am still experimenting with trigger finger position. Leaning towards finger tip but first joint is quicker first shot under stress.

One thing that helps when sight-shooting the P-32 is to paint the front sight a different (brighter) color than the rear.


New member
The best group I ever shot with mine was right handed, but I used my left hand to pinch the front of the trigger guard between my thumb and forefinger. Similar hand position to resting the gun butt in the palm of your left hand, but you only touch the trigger guard to pinch it and steady the muzzle.

IIRC, a seven shot group at 10 yards measured 1.5" x 3/4".

Otherwise, I practice right-handed, left-handed and plain old 2-handed...and shoot patterns in the paper.



New member

Weaver stance, right hand around grip , this with two fingers on the grip itself, hard up under the trigger gurad, pinkie finger curled in under the grip, tip squeezed into my hand , the left hand is over the right hand with equal pressure from both sides, this leaves the right thumb pointing down the side of the gun,toward the muzzle and the left thumb under the right thumb, and further forward, lightly touching the forward part of the grip)dust cover. Carefull not to squeeze the right hand with left too hard, or will pull pistol out of alignment to the left. If you try this, it becomes quite natural. In the weaver stance it will become second nature to tilt the head to the right, thereby putting the dominant eye over the line of sight, this allows for a natural line of sight for point shooting.


New member
I usually do one handed point shooting, right mostly but left about 20% of the time. Also use two hands on rare occasion. Doesn't help my groups any at 15+ yards, but not much does anyway:rolleyes:



Thanks for sharing...

Well, what I meant to say was that it wasn't really meant to be held anyway by a normal sized person, but now that I think about it I don't know what that means either, I must have been really drunk when I posted that. :p


New member
I don't have a p32, but my friend does, and he lets me putt around with it from time to time. I intend to buy one eventually. I hold it the same way I hold all pistols, my right hand tight on the grip, left hand cupped underneath, holding onto my shooting hand. Of course, I practice one-handed with each hand as well, but not nearly as much. I figure that if I am going to be able to aim, I'll be able to use both hands. If I can't, then the baddie will be close enough that I'll just be able to stick the damn thing up against him and accuracy won't be an issue. That p32 is just so easy to point and unload. The concept of an "anywhere, any season" gun is fairly attractive to me.