How would you like to help someone out and get something REALLY nice in return?

John Forsyth

New member
As posted by Dane Burns on 1911Forum,

Since most of us in the gun business are independant folks we thought all of us could help out Brian's estate and his Mother, Martha Bilby, in particular.

To that end, a customer of mine has donated a CMC frame. This is one frame, in a six frame set of consecutive serial numbers. The original guns were to be built two at a time by Dick Heinie, Larry Vikers and myself. The first of those guns is now the start of this project.

Dick and myself will jointly build this gun and both of our makers' makers will be on the gun. More importantly to me, Brian's new maker's mark will be on the gun. Brian had not finished his art work to use my marking machine so I finished it for him this morning. This will be the only gun ever marked with Brian's new logo. (ACP with a small Brian Bilby under it) I will destroy the stencile after we mark this gun and knife.

Lou Alessi has donated a complete sharkskin holster, belt, mag pouch and with a sterling silver buckle and tip set. The holster design is one that Brian use to sell in his shop and web page.

Walt Birdsong will finish the pistol in his famous Black T.

Irv Stone has donated the BarSto stainless match barrel.

Tom Givens of has donated a slot in the April 5 day Advanced Pistol course in Memphis.

Kevin "Mad Dog" McClung has donated a SEAL Attack knife which we will also have Brian's ACP logo etched in the blade.

Pistolsmith Steve Morrison will also be assisting in the project.

This is first donations but there may be more. At the moment 4 items, Govt 1911, Alessi Leather rig, Mad Dod "Attack", Rangemaster 5 day class.

We will be selling raffle tickets for $50 ea. There will be a limit of 400 sold. 100% of the funds wil go to Brian's Mother. All transactions and the drawing for the ticket will be handled independant of all of us who have donated. (read an attorney will help us out ;)

The following is a close representation of the raffle gun except for finish. We are estimating the gun will be done in under 90 days. Gun will be built on a CMC slide, Caspian "classic slide", Hienie Slant Pro Straight Eights, Scollops on the front and back strap, serrated and flat toped, Vedecki trigger with tool steel and TiT components, BarSto barrel and a Birdsong Black T finish. Presentation grips in African Black wood and the gun will be cased. (all of this will still make this gun one of six in a series)


Dane Burns


New member
an excellent idea!


Thanks for passing this info along. This pistol not only will be a beauty but also a true collectors piece built by some of the best 'smiths anywhere. And all $$ go towards a very worthy cause... Brian was a great guy who gave freely of his time and info. He will be sorely missed!

Dane Burns

New member
There are more prizes that have been donated since the original post was made yesterday. We are attempting to give a number of truly worthwhile gifts in this auction and it is for a very good cause.

Please check out the daily updates at the

Dane Burns

New member
This topic is worth keeping at the top of the forum for a few weeks I think. Please check out the 1911forums for the update s on prises in the raffle..two nice 1911s now and a number of self defense classes as well as Mad Dog knives!

Where else can you get a new Heinie gun in a couple of months and for fifty bucks??

Checks go to
Maragret Bilby/BCP
700 NW Gilman Blvd #116
Issaquah WA 98027