How to transport a firearm?


New member
I am looking for some advise on how to transport a firearm on a plane. I am going to the middle of the rockies in about two weeks and all of the places I am going my carry permit is valid. Just like at home I would like to be able to protect myself. I know that a firearm can be checked and locked properly like any other baggage and put into cargo on a commercial plane. I was wondering if anyone has had experience with this and what the propper procedures are for the firearm itself and ammunition. Do I have to notify the airline before I arrive or can I just show up and is there any specific container I need to use? :confused:


New member
The firearm needs to be in a locked container. For handguns the container is usually then placed in another suitcase. Ammunition in factory cartons (or equivalent) is in another suitcase and has weight limits (about 12 pounds is typical) .
The weapon must be unloaded and declared at check in to the airline. They may inspect the weapon (most do not seem to bother) but will require you to sign the orange firearm tag that declares the weapon unloaded. The orange tag may NOT be placed on the outside of the container but must be placed inside.
You should call and ask the airline if they have any other specific advice. Most do not, but some do.


New member

I wonder if your baggage will be searched after this check in. 3 out of the last four times I've flown (with no weapon) my bags have been searched. When you start to unpack there is a nice note from the TSA in side your suit case saying they looked through your stuff for your own protection...


New member

The TSA search the bags as soon as you check them in. That's why the FAQ talks about waiting around for the TSA to get done with their search.


New member
just looken

two of the times I think it was the full face resperator and steel toed boots that made them look.


New member
Naw, they search a lot of bags: my wife's gets searched all the time, and the most dangerous thing she packs is Manolo Blahnik shoes.