How to swap trigger in a Springfield 1911???


New member
I have a Springfield base model 1911 and I was looking to put in a longer trigger than the stock one. How do you get the trigger out? Doesn't look like much is holding it. I see a small screw in the mag release, but it won't budge. Looking for help...



Either find a local 1911 shooter who is knowledgable in the dissassembly and
re-assembly or trust it to your local trusted gunsmith.


New member
hi logs, take the slide off if you want to(will make handling easier) you will need to take the main spring housing out first.. let the hammer down all the way and push the pin out at the bottom of the grip frame and slip the main spring housing out the bottom, along with the hammer and sear spring(it will be the flat spring with three fingers). next take the thumb safety out, pull the hammer back to the full cock position and push the safety up about half way and pull outward on it.. when it comes out of the frame that will let the grip safety you will need to push the hammer pin out and take the hammer out of the frame... and then the smaller pin in front of that, which will let the sear and disconnector out of the frame... next you will need to take the magazine release out,, that little screw is NOT a screw it is a keeper sort of,, push the mag release in about halfway or so and turn that slotted keeper counter clock wise until it stops and the mag release should come out,, at that point you should be able to turn the frame up and the trigger should slip out the back. i think i got everything... or you could have a gunsmith do it for you... make sure all the safeties work when you put it back together .. the new trigger may not slip right in it could need fitting... so you see it is a little more than just putting a trigger in YMMV



New member
Thanks guys. I have seen drop in triggers so I thought it was easy to do myself. I have the gun broken down about as far as I want to go. Not sure I want to tackle the hammer and safety.


New member
I tried this and upon reasemmbly and first chambering of the shell, the gun went off and blew a nice perty hole in my dads floor. Youd better know what your getting into.


New member

Before you go ANY further, stop NOW and buy "The .45 Automatic--A Shop Manual" by Jerry Kuhnhausen. Read it thoroughly.

Next, disassemble your weapon under the eyes of an experienced .45 shooter.

Now, do it yourself. It's not hard--but it takes some practice.


New member
AGREE WITH POWDERMAN. I have done many and still use Jerry's K 'bible'. Pictures and words. Also, really like "45 Auto - Custom Touches". Has some stuff Jerry does not. My was obtained from Friing Pin Enterprises of Phoenix. (602)275-1623. By the way, never had one go off like armedtotheteeth but never had one drop in 100% either.