How to stop rust under grips?

Willie Lowman

New member
I have a stainless Redhawk .44. The frame under the grips is slightly pitted from rust. I take the grips off and clean under them a coupple times a year (the gun only sees the light of day a coupple times a year). Each time, there is new rust.

Is it possible that the wood soaked up enough hand sweat salt to have a "salt wood" effect? Should new grips be in my future or is there something I can do to stop the rust?

kimbers rule

New member
If it only sees light a couple times a year its not from the sweat in the grips. I would put some breakfree clp under the grips and look into a dehumidifier for the gun safe.


New member
You could seal the wood grips, which will prevent them from retaining water. You might also wax the fame after cleaning (Johnson's paste or renaissance). Finally, for long term storage, remove the grips before storing.


New member
This seems very very weird to me. Yes I know that stainless is stain"less" but for one to actually rust to the point of pitting in Ohio would take something bordering on freakish. I have 2 stainless Ruger handguns and a couple SS rifles that see only modest amounts of care and nothing special in the way of storage, never seen a bit of rust on them. Had some blued guns that had a hard summer a few years ago with lot's of heat and humidty but the SS guns were unphased. Don't get me wrong I've seen rust on stainless guns stored in bad conditions for a period of time but even then there wasn't any pitting and it cleaned up with some steel wool never to reappear.

Also keep in mind what may look like pitting may just be unfinished areas from the casting. IME, Ruger doesn't do too much finish work under their grip panels.

Grips could be a cause. Not from the sweet of your hands but from something left behind at the factory. Don't ask me what, I've never heard of anyone with this issue. Maybe a bad casting from Ruger?


New member
If a tool normally used on carbon steel is used on stainless ,tiny bits of carbon steel will deposit on the stainless .The rust and the rusting continues into the stainless !!
The only pistol I had a problem with was an HK P7 .Moisture from persperation got under the plastic and started rust.I carefully cleaned the fame , applied RIG and sealed the edges with silicone wax.


New member
I would just wipe some hoppes #9 on the steel under the grips. That is what I do with all my stuff. I also do it on scope bases and rings to keep them from rusting.


New member
Its not possible for the wood to soak up enough sweat to act like "salt wood" my opinion.

Its more likely a moisture problem ...removing the grips would be your smartest and easiest option...and heat the safe a little / to reduce any condensation issues.

All of the recommended solutions may work ....but I might try something like BoeShield ...a good rust prevention product developed by Boeing aircraft. I'd probably also make sure the area is good and clean ...and check the frame once a month or so while its in storage...


New member
I had some rust on my single six SS. Clean off very well and then use gun grease or TW25b. Under the grips is a great place for heavier gun grease.

Willie Lowman

New member
Here's a pic of the rust under the grip. I usually hit it with a brass brush and some solvent. That will get it cleaned up nicely but a few months later it looks like this again.



People have different body chemistry. Some people's sweat is very acidic and will attack steel, even "stainless". I have known several guys who could handle your stainless gun on a hot day and make it rust. Didn't hardly believe it until I saw it. The only thing you can really do is pull the grips off as soon as possible if you have been shooting it and wipe and oil the steel. The sweat creeps under the grips due to capillary action. It takes very little time for it to attack the metal. There are what's called "polarizing oils" available that supposedly neutralize the acid and stop the corrosion. Brownells used to sell it. Birchwood Casey has a product called "Sheath" that will neutralize acid, I used it for years at gunshows to keep all of our displays from getting messed up from all of the customer's hands while they walked around eating pepperoni pizzas and handling the guns. It worked great. None of my guns have ever done this but it does happen to some people. Keep in mind that any kind of grease or oil you apply under the grips will soak into most wood grips. Stop eating all of those pepperoncinis.:D
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