How to sight my 22-250 in


New member
what should my 22-250 be sighted in at at 100 yards?I use 55 gr and hunt deer along with coyotes.My scope is about 1 inch off the barrel if that helps any:confused: thanks-Jett

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Nothing particularly wrong with the above advice for sight-in distance, but it's a bit more practical to zero for 200.

1.5" high at 100 yards is right at dead on at 200, and roughly four or five inches low at 300. That way, you don't have to hold UNDER for the more close-in shots. Close-in shots are a lot more common than the Ma Bell shots. You're only a couple of inches low at 250, and that's certainly no big deal.

I'm mostly thinking about prairie dogs, here; coyotes are a lead-pipe cinch.

:), Art


New member
Like Art said, sight it 1.5" to 1.75" high at 100 yds. I sight my 22-250 1.75" high at 100 yds, it hits dead on at 250 yds, about 3.5" low at 300 yds, and about 14" low at 400 yds. You will need to check yours at various ranges to know where it is shooting. It will perform reliably on animals out at that range.

Again, like Art said, coyotes are dead meat out to 400 yds very easily.


New member
Mine is zero'd at 100 because the majority of my shots are right there, or closer. I also use that round for turkey, so I've got to know exactly where that bullet is going. It's not hard to make the adjustment for 200-300 yds. each gun is a little different, so my advice is go to the range and practice. The main thing isn't so much where your gun is statistically. It's that you know where to aim for a particular POI. A little practice, and you'll have it down pat, regardless of where you decide to zero your gun. Also, here's another tidbit of info...Zero your gun where you expect the majority of your shots to be...The less you have to think in a hunting situation, the better off you are going to be....and the more accurate you are going to be.


New member
whats the max range i should be shooting with my 22-250 for deer with 55 gr and i am aiming for the heart?and thanks for the help guys.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I'd say your limit oughta be the distance at which you can 95% always hit the end of a beer can when using a hasty rest as in the field.

With that particular bullet, I'd limit myself to around a hundred yards, if I just absolutely had to use that cartridge on a deer. But I'm a pessimist, which means I worry about wounding and losing because of me maybe messing up.


Fat White Boy

New member
Mine is sighted in at 1.5" high at 100 yards. With my rifle and hand load(52gr Match HPBT over 38.5 gr of 4350) I am dead on at 200 yards and 2"-3" low at 300 yards.
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New member
100 yards thats it?? all i really got to do is get that hearts and hes going down right? couldnt i pick one off at 200 yards or is that pushing it?thanks for the replys

Fat White Boy

New member
I shoot everything from ground squirrels to coyotes with my .22-250. Shots are as close as 25 yards on out. The best shot I have made was on a ground squirrel at 315 yards. POA was about an inch over its head...


New member
Keep it around 200 or less. If you go further, think neck shot. Remember, that round is typically very, very precise. You should be able to do it consistantly w/ a good rest, and quality (preferably reloaded) ammo.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The reason I used the "end of a beer can" analogy is because I don't shoot at a deer. I shoot at a point on a deer that's approximately the size of the end of a beer can. So, my limit has little to do with the cartridge, and more to do with my skill. I put distance restriction on such as a .243 or .223--or a Swift or Varminter*--because they don't have the punch of an '06.


* Jerry Gebby, a Nebraska gunsmith and varmint hunter, first developed his version of the necked-down 250-3000 Savage around 1937 and named it the Varminter. Remington, much later, did some minor tweaking and produced it as the .22-250. My uncle had a Gebby barrel on a Mauser action in the late 1940s/early 1950s. 1/2 MOA critter.


New member
I do the same thing, because I don't want to wound an animal. I do the same w/ my bow. I only shoot as far as I can consistantly hit a 12oz. can.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
mrawesome22, no doubt that works. I just find it easier where, if I'm not going to "point it and pull", I always need to hold over and don't have to think about holding under. :)

"When I works, I works hard. When I sits, I sits loose. And when I thinks, I falls to sleep."

I just really hate falling to sleep at the wrong time...

