How to register my hands?

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So, I had a guy asking me about rifles today. Specifically, the AR-15 and the AK-47. I began to explain the differences, when he interrupted to ask, "which is more tactical?"

"Ummm," I stammered. " that depends on how you' (?) it."

He said, "well, it's just a fallback, if you know what I mean."

I replied that I regretted not knowing exactly what he meant.

He then said, and I am not kidding, "my first line of defense is my hands. They're registered as lethal weapons."

I deserve a medal of some sort for keeping a straight face. I really do. Many responses flashed through my mind, but the one I voiced was, "so how do you go about registering them? Is there paperwork? What agency handles and tracks the registrations?"

He stammered something about "the police" and wandered off.

My question is this: where did this idea come from? Has there ever been a situation in where it was not only possible, but required, to register one's hands as lethal weapons?


New member
I remember my mother using this exact phrase when talking about a neighbor, a police officer with martial arts training. But I've never found any place that "registers" any body part as a lethal weapon. I think the neighbor must have been pulling my mother's leg, and she sometimes doesn't get it when people do that. ;-)


New member
Dunno...give me a couple minutes to give ole' Mr. Norris a ring and see where he had to go too register. I did my registration on-line and it only cost me $300:cool:

Oh wait, google just showed me that I got taken:p

J/K Some....Um....Don't know the term but the "mall ninjas" of the martial arts world sometimes say that once you have gotten a certain certificate of accomplishment that you are a "lethal" weapon. Some even take it as far as saying you need to register your hands. Kinda funny but sad at the same time.



Staff In Memoriam
I remember nearly 35 years ago hearing of this. But soon after I learned it was a urban legend loosely tied to the possibility that a pro fighter could face tuffer charges that would be harder to counter if he were to beat a guy to death compared to a regular joe as the pro knows his abilities and likelihood it could cause severe injury or death.

Lost Sheep

New member
You can "register" with these organizations

hogdogs said:
I remember nearly 35 years ago hearing of this. But soon after I learned it was a urban legend loosely tied to the possibility that a pro fighter could face tuffer charges that would be harder to counter if he were to beat a guy to death compared to a regular joe as the pro knows his abilities and likelihood it could cause severe injury or death.
I heard something similar.

If you are a member of the WBA, NBA, IPBA or XFA, et al (World Boxing Association, National Boxing Assoc, International Professional Boxing Assoc., Xtreme Fighting Assoc) or maybe even any of the Amateur Associations, you are "registered" and entitled to particpate in contests sanctioned by those organization. I believe (at least with the professional associations) you have to be registered to actually win a title or even enter a contest.

Add to that, that (supposedly) a prosecutor might charge a higher level of assault charge against you if you got in a fight with someone you knew was not in your league. Maybe even attempted murder or the much fabled Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

As far as I know it is an urban myth, but as far as I know is not very far.

But if you (a non-professional fighter) had a fender-bender with a professional boxer or mixed martial artist pro and it escalated to fisticuffs, with both of you unarmed, would you like for your District Attorney to have that charge as one of his options?

Note: This is all speculation (except that membership requirement thing, For example, if you are not licensed (registered?) with the Nevada State Athletic Commission you cannot ingage in contests and exhibitions of unarmed combat within the state of Nevada.

Personally, I don't give it much credence. It also doesn't matter much to me, as my hands are definitely sub-lethal.

Lost Sheep


New member
Let me see if I can dig up the paperwork...... Here it is! I filed it under "Crap that makes no difference, because I own a gun". :D


New member

If you go to:, you can see a member list... :eek: NINE PEOPLE fell for this! I think there is some serious penis envy happening there!!:rolleyes: Maybe these people should just wear signs that say "I'm a REALLY BIG TOOL!"

Thanks for the link! lol

I just looked again... That crap costs $40!!

I'd rather buy another box of .45...
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New member
Do I qualify?

I practice GUN-DO and Rifle-Jitsu regularly, and can shoot very well with my not-so-weak left hand.
Do I qualify?:D


Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Punch somebody and get yourself arrested. They will fingerprint, you, you will be on record as violence prone and voila, you are registered. Of course if your punchee objects and is a better puncher you may end up in ER instead of the precinct station or county lockup so pick your punchee very carefully.


New member
:D Funny story.

Now that it's been shared -- and the urban legend put to rest -- I'm going to go ahead & close this. There's nothing really Tactics & Training-related to discuss.


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