How to modify 10/22 bolt lock for auto release?


New member
I understand it is fairly simple to modify the bolt lock on a Ruger 10/22 so that it automatically disengages when the bolt is pulled to the rear.

Can anyone give detailed instructions as to how to modify the lock for automatice release? Links to images and/or diagrams would be fantastic! :)

Mal H

You need to install a modified bolt stop plate. I installed the Volquartsen plate to my 10/22 and it works as advertised. It's for sale at most shops that sell Volq. 10/22 parts. I got mine at On Target.


New member
Yes I realize that I can purchase an aftermarket part to do this. But from what I understand, there is a simple modification one can do to the OEM part to perform this function.

Chris Orndorff

New member
SpyGuy, you're right. I used to have a side-by-side comparison photo of the two parts, but can't seem to find it. I know there are photos of the aftermarket part on the 'net (try or, so it would be easy to remove the Ruger part and compare it to one of the aftermarket ones. It's a matter of removing a small projection either by hand file or dremel. I'll keep looking for that photo.

Mal H

Oops, sorry SpyGuy, my bad. I realize I should have guessed from the 50 or so words in your post that you certainly knew that you could buy a part to do what you wanted to do.


New member
If you don't find a picture of the mod on the net, send me an email:
I have a picture of the difference between the two I can send you via email-I would have just sent it to you, but you have blocked your email.

Mal H

I think that if he had taken a look at the picture I posted, he would have seen that it would only take a little Dremel work on the large hole in the plate to convert the OEM part.


New member
Exactly Mal H..
You dremmel out the "nub"-really technical term there-in the big hole.
I had to buy a modified one to find this out the first time. At least I was able to modify the one on my second 10/22


New member
Its the sharp "nub" you grind off. Be sure to grind it beyond flat, it must be slightly concave so it releases easily.

