How to fix muzzle jump with the CZ75


New member
As alot of you know, the CZ75 is one of the most ergonomic and easy-to-shoot-well handguns available. However, one thing I've noticed with both the CZs and the Witnesses is that when I dry fire, the front sight jerks somewhat to the right ever so slightly when the hammer falls. I have an experienced trigger finger, so this is an anomaly that doesn't occur with any other pistol.

1) What causes this?
2) How can I fix it?

The strange thing is that I can shoot the CZ and the Witness as good as anything else in my stable, yet it seems like I should be all over the place judging by my dry fire practice.:confused:



New member
Mine tends to go slightly to the LEFT if I don't concentrate on what I'm doing. Switching back and forth from my Delta Elite to CZ sometimes produces changes in POI until I get warmed up.

I'm guessing, you guessed it, your trigger finger. Switching between one kind of trigger and another does that kind of stuff to almost anybody. Skills you learn for one trigger aren't EXACTLY the same as the skills you need for another, so they don't always transfer perfectly.


New member
Try altering the angle of rotation of your hand around the grip, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. I find that I have to rotate my hand counter-clockwise with Glocks relative to my CZ's and other guns to avoid shooting slightly left. It's only a few inches at 25 yrds, but you can see the sight shift left slightly during dry fire. You may have to rotate in either direction, depending on your finger length, how the grip fits your hand, etc. If the shift is consistent, you can still be shooting tight groups.


I've seen similar on my CZ-85 and Browning HP. Both guns are light in the nose and that makes them twitchy. I think you need a solid grip with even pressure at firing. Also, I will bet that you may be fighting recoil (flinching) at discharge. I have shott tens of thousands through mine and still catch myself doing it sometimes. It is natural with nose-light guns that jump. Try firing very deiberately with a slow trigger pull (let the gun surprise you) and let it recoil as high as it wants to go. You will get better accuracy. I actually watch how high the barrel goes when I fir to monitor if I'm "compensating" to hold it down. You get best accuracy if you don't fight it.


New member
Thanks for the advice dudes


I will give the grip rotation a try.


That sounds like good advice, however, if you re-read my initial post you'll notice that I was talking about dryfiring. I actually shoot the CZ design just fine, I just notice the muzzle "twitch" when dry firing.

BTW, I had a very experienced Bullseye, IPSC, and IDPA shooter dry fire my CZ when he replaced the sights. It confounded him that the muzzle would "twitch" on him, no matter how steady he held and how smoothly and evenly he pulled the trigger.

I'm beginning to think it is my pistol in particular....maybe too strong a hammer spring or too much overtravel on the trigger...:confused:


New member
I too have noticed the some thing.
I have put it down to trigger over-travel. The trigger does have a good amount of over-travel.


New member
Yup!! Definitely because of the trigger over-travel. The pistol maintains its accuracy however because the bullet is long gone whilst you are still pulling. Try some fast double taps (Aim once, fire twice) and look at how far off the second bullet is from the first. If that is okay for you too then do not worry else you will have to work on improving your trigger control.

Eric Larsen

New member
I have 2 CZ's and both do this noticeably on dry firing...but not during shooting. Nothing I do changes the dry firing "twitch" on
either gun, yet they both do well when at the range.....

Shoot well


CZ Jumping

I've never seen this with my CZ-85. It could be that goofy internal firing pin safety I've read that a lot of people say screws up the CZ-75 trigger action (?) Mine always stays dead smooth on dry firing... just last night I won another World Championship of Dry Firing. Still working on the bullet shooting part of it.