
New member
True confession time folks. I used to be VERY
anti-gun, believing that only the military and police should have weapons. Sad to say, I
even gave time and money to the likes of Ms.
Brady. If you want to know, truly, what they
have in store, ask me. I was there.
As a group, they have no intentions for you whatsoever to be able to own any functional firearms at all. Total ban, total confiscation. Hunters, listen up! Your
The technique is so old and so obvious, that I'm surpised my good-ole-boy Texas hunter
friends can't spot it. The ant-gunners go after what might be perceived as the "lunatic fringe" first, get a consensus among folks including pro-gunners, that we would all be better off without this group. Then they go to the next sub-group or issue that can be
considered extreme, and so on down the line.
I was converted, but not by a barrage of facts ala NRA. Their approach will never work on folks that have the mindset, "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts".
It's nearly impossible,IMHO, to convert an
emotional issue in people's minds by "the facts". You must create doubt in their minds
by asking questions, without offending them.
In other words, allow them to save face, and
change their minds by their own self doubt on the matter. Anything else is a frontal attack and they will fight you no matter how silly their beliefs. Even Sun Tzu covers this kinda sorta. Beat your enemy, but allow them
to save face. Otherwise, they will not rest
until you are history.
Someone (god bless them) entered doubt in my
mind, and I was going to independently verify the claims of HCI and others. Guess what. HCI
went out of their way NOT to help me, and NRA
was very helpful. Now, I'm a life member.
When speaking with people who are afraid of
guns, try the above technique, no matter how
challenging it may be. Project an image of:
"I love guns, but I'm just like you"
Folks, I've made many converts with this. None of my "kill 'em all and let God sort it out" in your face type friends who confront or affront people have any converts.
Think about it.
Are you helping the cause or hurting it?
The gun lifestyle you save, may be your own.
Thus endeth the sermon.


Rob Pincus

New member
Thanks for your input, David. You make a lot of good points.
Give them a golden escape route, right into the NRA.



New member
A technique that one of the members of my gun club uses is to make business cards on his computer with the words "I am the NRA" on them. If he ever helps somebody out with a door, a package, whatever, when they say thank you he hands them a card. It shows that a gun owner can be a responsible, caring member of society; not a foaming at the mouth lunatic that Sarah Brady and company would have everyone believe we are.
Gee David, you're an awfully nice fellow. I tried to give anti-gunners (and some administrators) heart attacks in my younger days by making outrageous statements. While I've gotten them red faced and I KNOW their BP skyrocketed, nobody keeled over on me so far.

With regards to neutral parties, I invite them to the range as my guest and teach them to shoot. A few hits in the bullseye shifts them to pro-gun quite instantly.


New member
Gary, I used to use a similar technique,
but for me, I was tired of winning the battle
while losing the war. When I convert the hard
liners, they become PRO-GUN hardliners like
myself. I'm not particularly nice, I just hate to lose!
One time, we were shooting class III goodies,( all BATF approved, legally owned,
FORM 4 on file,etc.,etc,) and the son-in-law and daughter of a prominent senator were there. The daughter was not happy to be there at first, but after awhile, she saw that we were normal just like here. She finally asked to shoot one of the 9mm machines guns, and we couldn't get her to let anyone else shoot it after she got used to it.
She enjoyed it tremendously, but she said she had a problem. Tomorrow, when she has lunch with the ladies after church, what was she going to tell them what she was doing the day before? HA! I said, "good luck".

good shooting



New member
I've friends who go golfing, presumably to put little balls in small cups at long range and for the social experience. Why can't .22 or .223 target shoots have the same "cachet" ? Such low powered rifles wouldn't have enough shock and noise to scare people off.
Then we have bowling, using big balls to knock over bowling pins at moderate ranges and for the social experience. Why can't small caliber (mousegun, aka Sat.Nite.Spl) handgun bowling pin shoots have the same "cachet" ?
We are missing an opportunity here to convert teachers, social workers, officer workers, and all sorts of folks from many walks of life.
Let's clean up our shooting ranges and turn them into places where the sororities feel comfortable going to for an afternoon of coffee, baked goods, and conversation. Ever try to have conversation while wearing ear protection and shooting magnums? Hmmm, we need quieter revolvers. Maybe "suppressors" ;) would make such outings more enjoyable.