how to change windage on Bo-Mar rear sight?


New member
I have a used 1911-A1 that came with a Bo-Mar rear adjustable sight.

Photos below: Left



I shot the sight loose yesterday, and learned how to open the top to get to the allen set screw. I figured out how to adjust elevation, but I'm looking for instructions to adjust windage. There is a screw on the Right side with "L" and an arrow. On the Left side is a screw head with a inner screw head. I could not easily budge either windage screw, and did not want to bugger it up by using too much force.

Can someone please tell me the windage adjustment method on these sights?

Thanks . . .



New member
The screw on the right is the windage screw. Turning it in the direction of the arrow will move your bullet impact to the left.


New member
It's done using the side screw shown in your second pic ( right: ) - the one with the L and arrow markings.

Don't force the screw heads. You might try a little penetrating lubricant applied from each side. Also it looks like the retaining pin has been pushed in. This is supposed to press against the side of the screw head. Your appears to be below the screw head. This may be why the windage adjustment is stuck.

This is what it's supposed to look like ..



New member
Thank you Casimer. I applied a bit more pressure and the windage moved with click stops, and in both directions. My pin seems to be a bit smaller than yours.

All is working well now. I appreciate the post.


New member

It's an old 1944 Remington Rand frame with a Colt Gvt Model slide. Colet bushing, and the aftermarket sights. Bought it used as is.

The thing feeds and shoots everything I put in her (230 FMJ, my own 200 plated SWC & 230 plated RN with AA#2 and #5. So far, works like a dream with four different brand magazines.

Thanks again for the tip. I was going carefully in case there was a special technique. I have now adjusted the sight and she shoots very well for me now.