how to become a FFL


New member
just curious.... i've been throwing the idea of becoming a FFL.... can anyone explain what the process is, what needs to be done and if it is worth it

I would not be opening a store or anything... just selling to friends and relatives and things of that sort (and of course myself)

thanx for the input


Any and all FFL info here:

Go to Firearms section on the left. Look for National Licensing Center. On the left is FFL Information, click on that. There are two sections in FFL info section, TYPES of FFL's and FAQ's. Should be able to answer all questions. If not, call number listed. They may not answer, but request you leave name and number and they will call you back. THEY WILL call you back within about two days. The ATF are generally nice, but anyone can have a bad day, so be nice and patient.

Cost for a Type 01 FFL (regular dealer) is $200 for three years. Time frame will be about 60 days, once forms and fee are submitted.

Their are several rules you will have to follow. They are listed on the website. Any confusion,call the ATF. Hope that helps.


New member
Dear BJ427

I'd strongly suggest that if you're into collecting older weapons to consider the type 03 FFL, or the Curios and Relics lic. There has been a huge collapse of 01 FFL, (dealers licenses) due to the many requirements of having a firearms business in your home. So, unless you're prepared to start a storefront, look at the 03 or C&R FFL. This license allows you to purchase any of the thousands of C&R pieces anywhere in the country without going to another FFL.



New member
Here's another ATF link for the National Licensing Center:

I looked into this for myself a while back. Mostly because I'm sick of rude and incompetent FFL's in my area. Since I generally know what I want, I figured that if I became a FFL it would make buying a gun that much easier. However, like Rome said above, having it in your home can be very dificult because of all the requirements.

Best of luck!


New member
Bad idea to run it from the house. It must be OK to run a commercial business from your home. They can come in later and start a lot of crap for you. When you run one from the house, you lose all kinds of rights. Just think. ATF wouldn't have to have a warrant to come into your house. Bunch of different things like that. You have to have an alarm system. Supply them with a map of your layout so they can go right to your guns. If there's a problem and they come they can snag your personal collection too.


New member
I realize this post was long ago forgotten, but it's right at the top of a google search result. If someone could update the links that would be great!




New member
FFL from home

Also something to thing about.
If running business from your home, ATF can (and will) search your entire home.
Plus you must have a record of every firearm you own, no matter how long you have owned it. Every firearm in your home must be logged in your disposition record.
State Sales Tax is a hassel! Yes, it is required to do business or is at least in my state.

Some distributors won't do business with you if your not a stocking dealer. They must not believe in the American dream of a small business is all I can figure.:mad::)


New member
Someone requested updated links. I ran into this thread the same way they did apparently... it's the #1 non-sponsored link on Google. So here is the updated link to the ATF's FFL How-To page

PS - This is my FIRST post. I can't believe that after all of the information I've gotten from TFL that this is the first time I've posted and had to register. Wow. Anyway, it's great to be here and I look forward to "needing" to post more in the future.

Don P

New member
Before getting to worked up the first place you need to go to is zoning and ask if you are permitted to run a business from your home that will have deliveries and foot traffic. The ATF WILL CHECK ON THIS. The last thing you want to have found out is that you want the FFL to increase your personal collection. From reading your post it sounds like you want a 01-FFL for all the wrong reasons:rolleyes: