How to adujst powder measure on Lee Pro1000?


New member
My Lee Pro1000 has a powder measure that drops powder through the expanding die. The problem is, I can't figure out how it goes on. It has some sort of knurled knob but it appears locked in place.

The problem is that when I spin the expanding die to the correct depth, the pull-chain lever is pointed at some wierd angle away from the back of the reloader.

I need to be able to rotate the powder measure on the expanding die but can't figure out how to do it.


Real Gun

New member
Try this part, and make sure the parts have O-rings between mating surfaces. There would likely be a number of alternate vendors besides Midway...Graf, Midsouth, Natchez, Kempf, Able Ammo, etc.


New member
My Pro Auto Disk came with the swivel adapter. I didn't know that and had ordered one separately anyway. But even with the swivel, if you tighten it too much to the riser, then it won't swivel. It needs a little bit of looseness to be able to swivel properly. But even if you don't have a swivel, chances are you should be able to just turn the measure a 1/4 turn or so to make it orient the way you like without affecting the expanding function all that much.


New member
AHHH!!! Now I understand what you were talking about with the "knurled knob". Yeah, that may appear to be locked into place, but it isn't. Loosen that knob a bit and your powder measure will then be able to rotate without affecting how it contacts the expander part of the die.


New member
Yes, the "knurled knob" was the trick. Mine had been so tightly tightened that I could not unscrew it - I was not sure it was supposed to actually unscrew! I had to use some pliers, and got it to come loose. Then I was able to actually remove the powder measure from the die, adjust the die to the proper depth I wanted for bullet seating, and then re-install the powder measure at the correct angular orientation.

Then I went and broke the damn beaded chain that actuates the measure! Ran to Home Depot and bout a 3-foot segment so I should be able to do a repair if it ever breaks again.
