How Often Do You Change Your Carry Gun?


New member
I find myself swapping out after a wk or so, w/ another of my handguns. I like my 1911s, Glocks, HPs, etc., and like to give them equal time, so to speak. Anybody else do this or do you mainly stick to a primary gun in your collection? I have my favorite but I still like my others.



New member
I change out only if I find a handgun that's more reliable/accurate/concealable/better stopping power for me. In the past two years that I've been carrying, I've gone through a Walther PPK/S (broke the day after I got my CCW, so I carried my brother's bulky G23 briefly), a Kahr K40, a .357 Taurus 617 (more accurate with it than my Kahr), and for the past month or so, a .45auto Para Ordnance C6.45 LDA.

Keeping with the same gun on a regular basis keeps me familiar with it, even though I AM familiar with all my guns. In the heat of the moment, for instance, I might "forget to disengage the manual safety" on my Para if I keep swapping around with my K40 on a regular basis.

I do, however,practice with it in the mirror (unloaded, of course!), drawing it and flicking the safety off, etc. when I'm not shooting at the range.


New member
Gun swap.

I used to change my carry piece.but i never could get used to the the only two guns i carry are p11 and kel-tec p32.they are both lightweight, and i carry one or the other all my wakeing hours.


The Terminator

New member
I always carry the same gun. A Charter Arms 38. I have yet to carry my Kimber 45, the CA is just to light and easy to slip into my pocket while in a cheap nylon holster.


New member
Ahem...."Beware the man with only one gun...He probably knows how to use it."

I carry the same gun everyday, and have for four years. If TSHTF I want to make sure my hands knows exactly what they've got to do.

My .02


New member
I'm a one-handgun person. Never been a huge fan of handguns, I'm more of a rifleman (and not a very good one at that!:D).

I carry a Norinco 1911 everywhere I go. She's tough as nails. Hopefully, I'll be gettin a Springfield 1911 this Sunday, for dressy occasions ;).
While I like the reasoning of the "only one gun" concept, I have to fudge. I carry any of 3 1911s, each a different size, but all set up in the same manner with the same features. As far as grip and hold, the guns are identical. My preference is for my full-size, but sometimes it is a little too big for a given social situation so I go to the compact or officer's. Changing between guns is not so much a personal preference, but a determination of which is most applicable for what I will be doing - so concealment is always an issue. Regardless of gun choice, I always carry at least one spare magazine.


New member
On the average, about every three weeks Between some sort of Glock, or Beretta. Recently got a Glock 32. After the break in period, I was impressed with it enough to keep it out for a while.:cool:


New member
Multiple carry guns. But they all have identical manual of arms and the grips tweeked so they all point the same.



New member
Unless I am constrained by the way I dress or the weather I have the same carry gun. I occasionally carry a Browning Hi Power, but it has the same manual of arms and grip angle as my primary gun, a Kimber Pro.
If I must use a smaller gun instead I will go with a different gun.

Larry Wright

New member
I used to change by the season Bersa 380 summer/spring and S&W 459 fall/winter; but I picked up a Charter 2000 44 special about a year ago and I kinda like it has my main carry piece for about 95% of the time. I still take the others to the range (when I can get there) also but Triton Hi-Vels in the 44 have become my standard.


New member
I carry my Taurus model 605CHSS .357 revolver 90% of the time. When attire dictates I carry my Beretta Tomcat .32. I have several I could choose from but these are the ones I usually carry.
Jim Hall


New member
Whatever weapon(s) you finally decide to carry, you should carry it the same weapon(s) in the same place all the time. Your reaction will become smoother and quicker as Lic mentioned.

For me, I like a 1911 on the right side and a Kahr P9 on the port side. Both in good IWB holsters carried on a good belt. This goes for the office as well as in my yuppie scum weekend attire.

I change pistols every 5,000-7,500 approx. Take the "down gun" to gunsmith to have him check it (some TFL techies can do this temselves--Bless Them). Put one of your reserve pistols (just like the other one) out of the safe and into your holster.

Keep fresh ammo in your mags. Shoot straight. :)

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
By type--Seldom.

By individual item--More often.

Carry the old Commander LW most of the time. But if I feel like it, may carry an OACP or Govt Model. Or a Browning High Power. Same manual of arms for all of these.

Once in a great while, a Kahr P9 or some revolver as main battery.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Honestly, I do not like to change

from my current CCW, a Sig-Sauer P220A in .45 ACP; but
sometime's (not very often) I do encounter obstacle's that
require me too change my format, to say my vintage 2" bbl
Smith & Wesson model 60 in .38 Special. So, the correct
answer to your question would be, "Once In A Blue Moon".

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.