How not to shoot a .50 cal Desert Eagle


New member
Surprised that she didn't drop it, gotta give her some credit there.

She should be pretty mad at the guy who put that DE in her hands, obviously she wasn't informed and prepared for the recoil. If he had worked her up to the 50ae through some smaller calibers she probably would have shot fine.

I saw a guy at the range put a .44mag in his wife's hands without warning and without working her up through smaller calibers. She took it to the forehead, and went down hard on her rear on the concrete. He grinned like it was sooo clever. She told me later that it was the first handgun she ever fired. He probably still isn't getting any loving.

Another guy loaded a .357 revolver with five .38 wadcutters and a hot .357 load in the last bore and let his girlfriend shoot it. When that .357 went off the poor girl thought the gun had exploded, and just about had a heart attack. Guy had a good laugh.

Why do jerks do things like this to their girlfriends/wives? Are they going to go on to be good shooters, or are they (more likely) going to be permanently afraid of guns and vote anti-gun? Not too smart.


New member
I sure hope there was only one round in that Desert Eagle. Otherwise, she could have shot herself in the forehead on the recoil.