How much time training?


New member
I've become so used to reading TFL Tactics and Training, etc I dont do much training anymore, substituting reading for training.:mad:

How about you guys? How much actual training ,shooting etc. , per month, as opposed to just reading?:eek:


New member
I usually practice at least one time per week and usually two times a week for IDPA matches. I typically shoot 200 rounds during these practice session.


I try to hit the range once a week, and spend about an hour or two there. I usually shoot 50 of my carry caliber, + one or two other calibers for fun or to practice with my "second choice" carry weapon.


New member
This time of year, very little. Warmer weather will see me at the range as often as I can. Could be twice a week could be once a week. All depends on the time.
What I think is not mentioned is if the practice is being based from what was actually taught from a top flight facility or just something that was read or a "this is what I think is correct" technique use by the masters of tacticality (mall ninjas)


New member
Yeah I know about cold weather, it got down to the 60s the other day here in the Heart of Dixie!:D


New member
i generally work on a boat for months at a time. one of the first things i do is hit the range.
since ive been convalescing ive went shooting alot. i havent been able to do anything but strait draw & shoot tho. no maneuvering, kneeling or anything.