How much should it go for?


New member
Tight budget means that one of my guns is going to have to go.:(

Ive got a Beretta Cougar chambered for the .357sig. The gun is in near new condition and it has a brand new factory barrel in it. I have two magazines and all the original packaging and documentation.

First question is, how much do you think I can sell her for?

Second question, there is a gun show in my area next weekend. In your experience, would I get a better deal at a gun show or by taking it to the local gun shop and selling it on consignment? (I know it's certainly faster at the gun show.)



Moderator Emeritus
Used Mini-Cougars in 95-99% with all accoutrements (box, papers, etc) seem to be going in the mid-$400 range around here.

Depending on the acceptance of .357SIG in your area, you may get less for the less-common caliber.


New member
The Gunshow sounds like the best bet and you will get your money faster. $400- $450 should be pretty easy to get for that weapon.

If you sold it on consignment or to a dealer you would still only end up with $400 or even less. The dealer is just going to jack the price up to $500 to $550 and make a profit off of you. Plus you have to wait until the weapon sells on consignment unless you sell it outright. In that case you probably would only get $350 from a dealer.

I would even try posting here in the For Sale sections and see what it brings you. Weapons tend to sell very quickly if you ask a reasonable price.

Good Shooting


New member
hehe, I can already see how the gun show is going to go.

me, "I've got a pistol here to sell..."

them, "Well I'll give you $$$ for it."

me, "That's not a bad deal. Ohhh, that's a nice pistol you got there. I've always wanted one of those. How much difference for a trade?"

them, "$$$"

me, "Now we are talking. You take credit cards?"



Moderator Emeritus
The local dealer here has them NIB for 399.00.

Lucky you. I've noticed prices are higher here in the small market of Knoxville compared to back home in Atlanta. Sometimes as much as $100/gun.

Still, $399 is a darn good price on a NIB Mini Cougar.

Jason Demond

New member
I thought about getting one, but they just didn't do anything for me. I don't know what it is, but the dealer here can't get rid of them. That's why he has them for 399.00.