How much leade is too much


New member
In my .308 700 SPS V I have to load the bullets to 2.958 OAL to get them 30 thousandths off of the lands. Anyone else experience this in their Remy factory barrels? Makes for a long bullet.


New member
I didn't have a jump problem in a Remington- it was anuther one in .223 Rem. The leade on it was so long, that I wouldn't have been able to seat a 55gr V-Max to get close to .003 jump. But, in stressing over that issue- I came to learn that "too much" is when you just can't wring that last bit of accuracy out of it. Have you tried to load a bullet with a more forward ogive or a lower bc?


New member
mrawesome is right - most factory rifles these days have pretty long leades. It doesn't always have a negative impact on accuracy though; my most accurate rifle shoots <1/2 MOA and I'm a long way from the rifling. With some bullets I can't even get inside .040, but they still make tiny groups. I have experimented with a dozen different bullets and OALs with that rifle, at the end of the day it makes very little difference (if any), so I just load to mag length so I'm not forced to single load rounds.

By all means experiment with it as you can, but don't become too hung up on it. It doesn't always matter that much.