How much is too much 357 out of a S&W model 60?


New member
For a stainless steel model 60 with a 2 and 1/8 inch barrel, how much 357 mag would you shoot through it?

Specifically, I have found that Federal 357 mag 110g JHPs dont recoil much worse than 38+P, and I would prefer the effectiveness of the 357 over the 38+P.

I am not opposed to mainly shooting 38s when I am at the range but would like to occassionally shoot some of the 357 too if it is going to be my carry load.


New member
357 out of a Model 60?

To the best of my knowledge, S&W has "up sized their J frame .38 Special and are calling "some" of their J frames .357 Magnums. The ammo. manufacturers have down-sized their .357 Mag. loads to [maybe] 38 Special +P.
Be careful what magnums you shoot. The Chief's Special was always a carry gun for emergency use only. I would shoot MOSTLY 38's and a few magnums for familarization.


New member
Even the milder .357mag production ammo is appreciably more effective than ANY production .38spec....+P or otherwise. Even out of snubs.

Shoot and carry what you can comfortably shoot well in YOUR gun.



New member
I don't have a problem shooting any .357 out of my 2 1/8 inch Model 60. Try shooting .357's out of a scandium gun, and you'll be begging for a model 60!